
Why I am participating in this Conference

밴쿠버 조선 news@vanchosun.com 기자의 다른 기사보기


최종수정 : 2006-05-25 00:00

by Simon Park

I was asked by the Korean Canadian Career Conference committee to participate in the inaugural event.  I gladly accepted and was excited to be venturing west to Vancouver from my hometown of Toronto.  Serving in the Korean-Canadian community has always been my joy.
Back when I started to become involved in during my undergrad years, the community in Toronto was not as developed. 
There especially was not much to bring young people together. On the other hand,  I and those around me were blessed to have a fresh path to pioneer.
Although there were many difficult moments, we have finally built up enough momentum where we can see great hope for the community, especially the up-and-coming 1.5 & 2nd generation.
The nucleus of community-minded young people continues to grow, and I see great things in store for the future.
I was very encouraged to see such passion and commitment happening simultaneously across the coast in Vancouver. Despite the geographic divide, we can all call ourselves Korean-Canadians, and I believe we can find much encouragement in each other. 
Rather than to provide anything, I went with a humble attitude and a desire to learn from people in Vancouver and what they're doing in the community. 
I sense great energy from Vancouver, and I hope that I can take back what I've learned from there. If there's anything I've been able to impart to young people in Vancouver, then I will consider myself fortunate to have done so. 
I was excited to meet fellow Korean-Canadians, and I hope that this can be the beginning of great relationships between Toronto and Vancouver's Korean-Canadian communities.
I thank the organizers for this privilege and am confident that great things will come out from it.

Simon is currently articling at a law firm in downtown Toronto.  He did his undergraduate degree in business from Queen's University, worked in marketing at Procter & Gamble for two years, and then attended Osgoode Hall Law School. 
Simon's experience in the community spans the range from organizing student conferences, creating funding for student projects, organizing large-scale career conferences, and producing talent shows, among others.
He enjoys sports, music, reading, dancing and trying to freestyle rap!
His hope is to see the complete development of the community's infrastructure and the full potential of each 1.5/2nd generation Korean-Canadian.

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