
Llama to the Rescue : 구원대장 라마

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최종수정 : 2006-07-06 00:00

제 1회 영어 창의적 글쓰기 대회-13살 혹은 Gr.7 이하 그룹 3등 작품

지난 달부터는 지난 3-4월에 걸쳐 ‘어린이를 위한 창의적 글쓰기 사회(Creative Writing for Children Society)가 주최한 제1회 영어 창의적 글쓰기 대회의 수상작들을 소개하고 있습니다.  영어로 읽고 쓰기를 좋아하는 청소년과 창의적 글쓰기 교육에 관심이 많은 학부형들의 일독을 권합니다. 밴쿠버 거주 한국 청소년들의 영어 실력은 물론 이들의 창의력과 상상력을 한 눈에 가늠할 수 있는 좋은 기회입니다.

동물만큼 아이들의 관심을 끄는 화제는 없다. 아이들에게 구연동화를 들려 줄 때마다 필자가 동원하는 주요 등장인물들이 바로 동물이다. 사자에서부터 바다거북이에 이르기까지 내셔날 지오그래픽에 등장했던 동물들을 총동원해서 이야기에 등장시킨다. 이야기의 구성도 물론 중요하겠지만, 나이가 나이이니만큼, 동물들 이름에 토시만 바꿔-사자를 사재, 호랑이를 호두랭이, 거북이를 거보고 등- 이야기해줘도 아이들은 깔깔 뒤집어진다. 친근한 동물을 통해 아이들은 정서를 배운다. 꿈 많은 청소년 작가 민 가비의 ‘Llama to the Rescue(구원대장 라마)’는 한국의 아이들에게는 낯설 수도 있는 ‘라마’라는 동물을 주인공으로 해서 끈끈한 감동의 드라마를 전개시킨다, 라마는 남아메리카에서 살고 있는 낙타과의 동물로 낙타와 달리 등에 혹이 없으며, 날씬한 몸체에 긴 다리와 목, 짧은 꼬리, 작은 머리, 크면서도 뾰족한 귀를 가지고 있는 게 특징이다. 외모로는 결코 잘난데 없고 장난꾸러기인 이 동물을 가장 인간적(?)인 동물로 둔갑시키는데 성공한 작가는 동물을-아니 인간을- 사랑하는 작가의 속내를 문장 중에 교묘히(?) 드러낸다.
Stephen named every animal he came across. He never called an animal "the dog" or "the cat". It was always a name. "Animals have feelings and personalities, too. So they deserve a name, like all humans," Stephen always said.-내용중에서
비록 길이가 단편이나 장편을 쓰고도 남을 풍부한 소재를 다루는 민가비의 ‘구원대장 라마’는 북미 어디에 내놓아도 뒤지지 않을 잠재력이 풍부한 작품이다.

어린이를 위한 창의적 글쓰기 사회(Creative Writing for Children Society)설립자 겸 저자Web:www.cwc2004.org/e-mail:cwc2004_1@hotmail.com/Tel:778-233-2310

Llama to the Rescue:구원대장 라마

Gabi Min
Westcott Elementary School Gr.6 / West Vancouver

“Baa!"  Marie baaed.
"Hey! Ye great big stupid beast, ye ate me best hat!" Ron yelled.
Marie hissed and spit at Ron as if she understood what Ron had just said and did not like it. She quickly ran off, dragging her useless leg behind her.
"Argggggggggggg!" Ron yelled.
He got out his handkerchief and tried to wipe the spit off his face. It wasn't much use, and now he had to go back into the house and wash it off with soap and water. He sighed; he was already late for work and now he had to wash. He still did not understand why Stephen wanted to keep Marie; she was a nuisance, made big(enormous!) messes, and she ate everything within her reach.
Ron had never wanted to keep her in the first place but Stephen had found her one day, all dirty and bloody, dragging a useless broken leg. Stephen took real pity on her and nursed her back to perfect health. From that moment on, they stuck together like super glue; you couldn't tear them apart no matter how hard you tried. So Ron had given up trying to shoo Marie away and had let Stephen keep her. Besides, Ron would do anything for Stephen.
Stephen was always nursing injured animals back to health. The house was filled with animals like stray dogs, cats, squirrels, mice, and even skunks! But these animals weren't as much trouble as Marie. A day never passed without Marie there to break something. But Stephen loved her the best of all.
Ron walked to the house and washed his face in the kitchen sink. He wiped his face with a cloth. "Stephen, lad, I want ta 'ave a word with ye!" he yelled.
The sound of thumping feet came from upstairs. It was Stephen. He poked his face from between the ceiling and the stair rails. His dark, reddish-brown curls were so long, they touched his shoulders. "You don't have to tell me, Father, you and Marie had an argument again."
"True enough, true enough," Ron admitted, "but we didna exactly 'ave an 'argument'. Marie canna speak."
"Yes, but she can speak with her eyes," Stephen said with a mysterious gleam in his eyes.
"Like, what 'bout?" Ron asked, curious.
"Oh, I can't tell you. They are Marie's secrets to tell, not mine. Maybe she'll reveal them to you, too, some day when she's ready."
"Sorry, but I can't talk anymore, Maurice cut his paw and I'm still bandaging it." And he ran off.
"Well, make sure ye ain't late fer school!" Ron called out after him.
Ron then muttered something to himself that Stephen had something wrong with his upper story. But Ron knew Stephen wasn't lying or going mad; he never lied no matter what situation he was in and was a perfectly normal boy(except that he was engrossed with animals). "Now was Maurice a dog er a squrrdel?" Ron wondered out loud.
Stephen named every animal he came across. He never called an animal "the dog" or "the cat". It was always a name. "Animals have feelings and personalities, too. So they deserve a name, like all humans," Stephen always said.
Ron checked his watch. It read, "8:24". "Eight twenty-four! I'm a gonna lose me good job!" Ron exclaimed and ran to the garage. He went inside his rickety, worn-out, old car and drove as fast as he could force the poor car into going.
When he reached the train station, he parked his exhausted car and ran out towards the station. He was a conductor and was about to be late, again.
"Do you realize what time it is?" the boss bellowed, "this is the third time this week that you were late!"
"But...but," Ron started to say.
"No buts!" the boss roared.
"Please sir, I 'ave a good reason for bein' late..."
The boss just sighed. "You are a good worker, Ron and I don't want to fire you but if this happens again, I'll have no choice but to fire you. Now you are dismissed, you can go back to your work. But I'll still have to take ten pounds out of your wages for being late."
"T-en pounds?" Ron gasped. It was unthinkable. Money was scarce during these times, with the war going on and everything with sugar and butter barely available and now having to use coupons.
"Yes, ten pounds. You should be thankful it's not more."
Ron bowed his head and walked out of the office, worried. How was he going to pay for Stephen's schoolbooks this year? Stephen had already brought a list of schoolbooks he needed and the books were expensive, especially in these times. Ron did his work, glum and silent. He usually enjoyed his work but today, he wasn't feeling up to it. The whole entire day was bad for him, all because Marie had spit at him. It was all Marie's fault.
So Ron came home that day feeling sorry for himself and angry at Marie. He parked his car in the garage. He was about to go into the house when he saw something very strange, Marie wasn't outside. Usually Marie was outside at this time, helping herself to grass. Marie wasn't there.
Ron went inside. "Stephen! Are you there?"
No answer. And then there was a faint, "Yes" from upstairs.
Ron ran up the stairs. "Stephen, me laddie, are ye alright?" He asked, looking worried.
Stephen was in bed with all his animals around and Marie licking his face. Stephen's face was gray and full of pain. "I'm alright," Stephen said, trying to get up but falling back down again with a sharp cry of pain.
"Where does it pain ye, me lad?" Ron asked, anxiously as he checked Stephen's forehead for a fever. Stephen was a weak type of boy. He wasn't very strong and got sick very easily.
"I just have a bad ache in my stomach. It'll probably go away in the morning."
But next morning, it did not go away, it was worse. "I think you need a doctor," Ron said.
But Stephen stubbornly refused. "You won't be able to afford doctor expenses."
"Then, I won't be able to work today. I'll stay home and take care of you."
"No," Stephen said as firmly as he could, "you could lose your job. Besides, my animals can help me. It's about time they did something useful anyhow."
He let out a weak smile.
Ron nodded. "Alright, but call for help when it's an emergency." Marie followed him as he walked outside. "Do you think he'll be alright?"
Marie shook her head. Her eyes said, "I don't think so. But I'll take care of him and get help if it is needed."
Ron wasn't too surprised by this show of intelligence. After all, Stephen did say Marie could speak with her eyes if she wanted to.
Ron doubted very much that Marie could actually get help, but all he said was, "alright." And left for work. All day he worried. When he finished his work, he rushed to get home.
There was no answer, only a dead silence. Ron ran up to Stephen's room. He was not there. Ron frantically searched the house. No one, except the animals. Then he noticed that Marie was not in the house or anywhere outside.
Just then the phone rang. "Your son is in the local hospital right now. You are not allowed to visit him just yet, but you can wait outside his door with his llama."
So it Marie was with Stephen! Ron did not know why, but a huge wave of relief washed over him. If Marie was with Stephen, then he was safe.
Ron drove all the way to the local hospital. "Where is me son, Stephen?" he asked the secretary.
"He is in room 13B, sir."
Ron ran up the stairs. There sitting in front of room 13B was Marie, looking just as worried as Ron. "Is me son gonna be alright?" Ron asked the doctor.
"Well, sir, your son has appendix which needs to be taken out. He needs a surgery right away. If it weren't for this llama, it may have been already too late. Your llama is a very smart animal for being able get the ambulance. But you will not be able to see your son until the surgery is over and he has healed.
One week later...
"Stephen can go home now. He is well enough thanks to this amazing llama of yours," said the doctor.
After the doctor had walked away, Ron said to Marie, "I guess I owe you a thanks.. and an apology for doubting you."
Marie just nudged Ron's hand as if to say, "It's alright. We know each other now."
And it was true, they were actually friends. During the long week of worrying, they had cheered each other up.
"Let's go home," Ron said to Stephen. "And you too," he added, looking at Marie.
Marie just smiled in her llamaish way and spit at him.


민가비 (Gabi Min)
1994년에 한국에서 태어난 민가비는 세상의 이곳 저곳을 둘러보며 사람들이 말하는 것들이 진짜인지 확인하고 싶어하는 호기심이 풍부한 어린이다. 맑고 청명한 날에 살랑살랑 불어오는 바람이 자신의 몸을 감싸고 나갈 때가 가장 좋다고 말할 만큼, 가끔은 아무 일도 하지 않고 빈 공간을 바라볼 정도로 감수성 역시 풍부한 가비는 슬픈 이야기에서부터 흥미진진한 어드벤처에 이르기까지 풍부한 독서를 토대로 미래의 작가를 꿈꾸고 있다.

밴쿠버 조선일보가 인터넷 서비스를 통해 제공하는 기사의 저작권과 판권은 밴쿠버 조선일보사의 소유며 저작권법의 보호를 받습니다. 허가없이 전재, 복사, 출판, 인터넷 및 데이터 베이스를 비롯한 각종 정보 서비스 등에 사용하는 것을 금지합니다.

이제 신문도 이메일로 받아 보세요! 매일 업데이트 되는 뉴스와 정보, 그리고
한인 사회의 각종 소식들을 편리하게 받아 보실 수 있습니다. 지금 신청하세요.

광고문의: ad@vanchosun.com   기사제보: news@vanchosun.com   웹 문의: web@vanchosun.com

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BC주정부는 “6월 실업률이 사상 최저치인 4.3%를 기록했다”며 “제조업 분야 고용은 감소한 반면 도소매, 교육, 보건 분야 고용이 증가했다”고 발표했다. 6월 실업률은 5월보다 감소했으나 일부 경제 분석가들은 “실질적인 일자리 증가보다는 여름 구직을 포기한...
지난 주부터 무더운 날씨가 한풀 꺾이고 간간히 빗줄기가 이어지면서 BC주를 비롯한 서부 캐나다 지역의 산불 위험이 다소 낮아졌다. 그러나 기상청은 다음 주부터 다시 더운 날씨가 시작될 것으로 내다보고 있어 관련 당국은 산불 경계 태세를 늦추지 않고 있다....
주정부, 200만달러 지원
BC주정부가 자전거 사용을 장려하기 위해 지역 커뮤니티에 200만달러를 지원한다. BC주 12개 지역에 지원되는 이번 기금은 총 22킬로미터의 새로운 자전거 도로를 만드는 18개 프로젝트에 투입된다. 고든 캠벨 주수상은 "이번 지원은 BC주에서 출퇴근이나 레저를 위한...
BC주 통계청 “스콰미시-릴루엣 인구 크게 늘어날 전망"
2031년경에는 BC주가 노인 사회가 될 전망이라고 BC주 통계청이 지난 주말 발표했다. 통계청에 따르면 2031년 BC주 인구는 560만명으로 예상되며 평균 연령은 46세로 2005년보다 6.7세 높아질 전망이다. 통계청은 “65세 이상 노인비율은 2005년 14%에서 2031년에 4명중 1명꼴로...
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