
Camp Korea or Camp Corea?

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최종수정 : 2006-07-13 00:00

By Yonah Kim Martin

The 'C3' in C3 Society stands for Corean Canadian Coactive. Many ask, "Why is 'Corean' spelled with a 'C'? What is the rationale behind choosing to spell 'Corea' with a 'C'?"
When the founders of C3 Society first met in March of 2003 to discuss the formation of a non-profit organization, we shared stories, dreams, bulgogi and kimchi, but we were nameless at the end of the dinner meeting.
Two weeks later, while brainstorming a list of names on a whiteboard in the boardroom of Sharons Credit Union, we stumbled over 'C3' as a potential acronym.
One of C3's founding members explained the historic significance of 'Corea' with a 'C', as outlined by Goldsea Asian American Daily in an editorial titled "Corea not Korea" (March 7, 2003). The 'K' in 'Korea' represents the Japanese annexation and colonization in 1910:
"During that period Japan mounted a campaign to push for the 'Korea' usage by the American press. Why? For one of Japan's prospective colonies to precede its master in the alphabetical lineup of nations would be unseemly, Japanese imperialists decided." 
But "Corea" was chosen by C3's founders, not because they harboured resentment toward Japan or its people.
As a Corean-Canadian, I am removed from that historic animosity, and I can enjoy Japanese culture without feeling guilty of betraying my own culture or bitter sweetness in doing so. I have Japanese friends, I love Japanese food and I teach a unit on Japan in social studies every two years, which is recommended Grade 6/7 curriculum.
I have chosen to write "Corea" with a "C" in this column, but this is a conscious decision. Unconsciously and habitually, I write "Korea". Most people do.
The 'C' in C3's 'Corean' is not meant to whip up anti-Japanese sentiment. To me, it is simply a reference to the historic spelling of Corea and one that fits nicely with the C in Canada - connecting the 'C' in Corea to the 'C' in Canada.
When C3 was planning Camp Korea, it was named without debate. The campers will "experience Korea in Canada" this year. We will not talk about the historical significance of "Korea vs. Corea" with the 75 campers who have registered for the July 21-23 camp. Camp Korea will be a fun-filled, cultural extravaganza. It will be memorable. It will be historic.

For more information about Camp Korea, please visit the C3 website: www.c3society.com or contact Yonah Martin (Camp Director) at yonah@c3society.com.

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