정부 지원 취업을 위한 무료 교육 – 캐필라노 유니버시티
DIVERSEcity (96.53.69.XXX) / 번호: 12786 / 등록: 2012-10-02 09:57 / 수정: 2013-07-10 15:59 / 조회수: 4118

Capilano University ESA program

(업데이트 7월 10일 2013)

Business & Culture in Canada for Foreign-Trained Professionals

STARTS Summer (July 22) and Fall (October 7) 2013

Give us 10 weeks and we can help you understand how Canadian business works. Combine new Canadian business perspectives with your overseas work experience. Course titles are described below, and ongoing Coaching and Mentoring support is included.


Culturally Speaking


  • Employment Essentials – Identify the skills and experiences you have, that employers need. Put together your resume application package and learn how to target and market your expertise every time

·         English for Specific Purposes – Be confident, be heard, and be understood

  • Exploring Culture – Canada is diversity at its best, but how do many cultures come together to create one?


Business Essentials


  • Business Communication – Learn document formatting, resume and letter writing, and how to utilize  social media for job search

  • Organizational Behaviour – Learn how businesses operate, function, and are managed resulting in a workplace environment; which is the best suited to your needs and values

  • Personal Leadership – Improve interpersonal skills, find your place in team work, understand the soft skills no resume is complete without


Practical Application


  •  Managing for Value – Accounting, budgeting and finance principles: transferable skills for corporate, small business and personal fiscal management

  • Project Management – Get a solid foundation of project management skills and framework applicable to various fields

  • Customer Experience – Learn how to attract and retain clientele by providing quality service

  • Doing Business in Canada – What’s different? What’s the same? Get the inside scoop from some of our leading small business instructors and entrepreneurial consultants



Call 604.990.7891 for eligibility requirements and to book an interview for registration.


Employment Skills Access Program

  • The Employment Skills Access (ESA) program provides FREE (to qualified individuals) skills training to get you employed.

    We are currently accepting applications.

    For more information, and to see if you qualify, call the Continuing Education office at 604.990.7891

    Our ESA essential skills training includes:

    Business & Culture in Canada for Foreign-trained Professionals - STARTS JULY, 2013

    Give us 10 weeks and we can help you understand how Canadian business works. Combine new Canadian business perspectives with your overseas work experience. Add Canadian work experience to your resume by completing a practicum.

    Retail & Hospitality: Customer Service - STARTS SEPTEMBER, 2013 (North Van campus)

    BC Tourism certificates and cashier training make you more competitive in eight weeks. Develop customer service excellence and your customers will keep coming back.

    Bar, Wine & Service Industry - STARTS SEPTEMBER, 2013

    Complete bartending and wine server training as well as customer sales and service to make you competitive in the tourism and hospitality industries in just seven weeks.

    Business & Computers - STARTS OCTOBER, 2013

    Round out your book keeping background and experiences with some formal training in Accounting, improve yours skills in Microsoft Word and Excel, and get a crash course in QuickBooks- Prepare yourself in 8 weeks to start or re-launch your career in the accounting/bookkeeping field.



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