VCC – Communication for Engineering & Technology / Accounting
DIVERSEcity (96.53.69.XXX) / 번호: 13537 / 등록: 2012-11-15 11:25 / 수정: 2013-10-23 10:31 / 조회수: 4114

업데이트 (10월23일) Professional and
Career English (PACE)

VCC에서 두 가지 파트 타임 코스를 제공합니다. 1. Communication for
Engineering & Technology / 2. Communication for Accounting 이라는 타이틀입니다. 
영주권자나 시민권자에게 수업료는 무료이고 12주 코스입니다. 수요일과 토요일에 수업 일정이 잡혀 있습니다. 수업에 관심이 있으신 분들은 연락 주세요. John Song: 604-954-4307 or 

이 코스를 듣기 위해서 높은 영어 성적이 요구 되어집니다. 아래의 필요조건을 참고하세요. 

for Engineering and Technology
is a tuition-free* course designed to enhance
workplace communication of Internationally Trained Engineers and Technologists
in order to improve employability. This course teaches culturally appropriate
speaking, listening and writing strategies and language for the Engineering and
Technology workplace.

 Course details

12-week, part-time course

Monday and Wednesday, 6 - 9 p.m. and Saturday, 8:30 a.m. -
12:30 p.m.

Tuition-free* for Permanent Residents and Canadian Citizens

 Prerequisites (필요조건)

There is an emphasis of performance-based learning;
learners are frequently recorded and then receive coaching and focused

Completion of Upper Advanced or equivalent, OR

ELA with a minimum overall score of 105/200 and a minimum
of 23 in Speaking, OR

Placement at CLB 7 or completion of EPA 1, OR

Written permission of the Department Head of Professional
and Career English


Learn to interact

On multicultural teams

In formal and informal meetings

In social situations at work

On the telephone


Note: Classes, locations, prices and dates subject to
change without notice.

업데이트 (9월 12일)

VCC에서 커뮤니티 서비스 어시스턴트 트레이닝 무료 프로그램을 제공합니다. Social Service in Community 분야에 관심 있으신 분들은 서둘러서 신청하시기 바랍니다.  이 프로그램은 11주 과정이고 수업일정은: Oct. 7 – Dec. 20, 2013 입니다.


제사한 내용은 아래의 정보를 참고 하시기 바랍니다.


Employment Skills Access Program

An Employment Skills Access Program (ESA) provides FREE Skills Training to help unemployed individuals acquire the skills needed to transition into the labour force or into further education!

Community Service Assistant Training (CSAT)

 Program Outline:

             Office Procedures                        Keyboarding for Speed Building

             Writing Dynamic Business Letters                          Word, Excel, Power Point 2010

             Grammar Review for Business Writing                Mac + Beginners

             Memo, Email and Report Writing                           Mac + Social Media

             Effective Notes and Minutes                   Mac + Story Telling

             Interpersonal Communication Skills                      Mac + Web Design

             Basic Counselling Skills                Social Media for Entrepreneurs

             Diversity, Cultural and Counselling                        Transition to Employment



You may be eligible if you are:

             Unemployed, not in receipt of Employment Insurance in the past three years

             Legally entitled to work in Canada

             Be living in British Columbia

             Not a Student (i.e. enrolled in high school or enrolled in post secondary training)

             Not currently participating in another LMA funded program

             Experiencing difficulties securing employment due to lack of skills training


1.            Entrance Requirements for Enrolment

Besides fulfilling the regular ESA client eligibility requirements, applicants must have:

             Grade 12 graduation, GED or equivalent or

             Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 or above

Recommended characteristics

             Emotional maturity and sound judgement/decision making skills

             Ability to deal with clients, colleagues, and staff in a tactful and courteous manner

             Personal hygiene, grooming and appearance acceptable in an office environment

             High standard of honesty, integrity, and professionalism

             Ability to maintain confidentiality

             Attention to detail, accuracy, patience, and ability to work well under pressure

             Good command of oral and written English to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing

             Ability to organize, problem solve, and set priorities

             Good human relation skills

             Ability to work effectively in a team environment

             Basic computer literacy with 20wpm keyboarding speed


Program Outcomes:

             VCC’s Certificate of Completion

             13 Academic Credits towards further education


Program Duration and Intake:

11-week program

Next Intake: Oct. 7 – Dec. 20, 2013

*Due to limited seats, enrollment in the ESA programs is not guaranteed. 

*Program dates and time are subject to change


Apply Today

Eligibility and suitability to participate in the program will be assessed by an ESA Client Advisor.

For program information and advising, contact:

Lina Sehgal, Client Advisor

Tel: 604-871-7000, ext. 8307




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