엔지니어들을 위한 패널 (Feb 21, 2013)
DIVERSEcity (184.69.79.XXX) / 번호: 14844 / 등록: 2013-02-06 12:21 / 수정: 2013-02-08 11:21 / 조회수: 4101

How internationally trained engineers can “Connect” to the BC Job Market


 Date: February 21, 2013 (Thursday)

Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm

Location: Burnaby Public Library – Bob Prittie Metrotown Branch, 6100 Willingdon Ave


Guest Speakers:

Caroline Westra, Manager, Academic & Experience Assessment, APEGBC

Geoff Sale, Manager, Internationally Trained Professionals, ASTTBC

K. C. Chau, Past President and Current Board Member, SITE BC



 What skills and knowledge do I need?

 What do I have to offer employers?

 What additional training do I need to get a job?

 Do I need to be licensed as an engineer (i.e. P.Eng)?

 How do I become a licensed engineer?

How do I find employers and tell them I have what they need?


There is NO COST to attend this event; however, space is limited and on a first come, first served basis.

There is free underground parking available and it is close to the skytrain station as well.

Registration: Is required; call 604.298.4720 or e-mail skillsconnect@training-innovations.com to register.

Sponsored by: Burnaby Public Library


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