(업데이트 9월, 10월) Professional Cook Placement Program
DIVERSEcity (96.53.69.XXX) / 번호: 15932 / 등록: 2013-04-26 11:49 / 수정: 2013-07-08 13:49 / 조회수: 4103
go2 와 BC 이민자 고용협회에서 요리관련전문업종에 계신 이민자분들에게 좋은 기회가 될 새로운 요리관련 프로그램을 선보입니다.
관련업종에 경험이 있으시지만 캐나다에서 일한 경험이 적거나 없으신 분들에게 좋은 기회가 될것으로 생각됩니다.
관심있으시거나 등록에 대해 궁금한 부분이 있으신분들께서는
John Song (jsong@dcrs.ca; 604-597-0205 ext. 4307) 에게 연락주시기 바랍니다.

Professional Cook Placement Program


Are you a Professional Cook or Chef seeking a challenging next step in your career?
Are you a Permanent Resident in Canada having difficulty finding the right job that suits your skills or experience?
Do you lack a Canadian credential or work experience?
If so, this might be the opportunity for you! 
What we offer:

•an assessment of your cooking skills
•gap training at an accredited professional cooking school
•English language upgrading, if required
•a formal assessment against a Canadian cooking credential - Professional Cook 2 or Professional Cook 3 (Red Seal)
•a full-time, permanent job in either Northern BC or the Kootenay regions
•no cost to you
Your qualifications:

•Be a landed immigrant, with experience as a professional cook or chef
•Be interested in achieving a Canadian professional cooking credential, either Professional Cook 2 (PC2) or Professional Cook 3 (PC3/Red Seal)
•Have achieved the minimum relevant, documented work experience hours (2,000 hours for PC2 and 5,000 hours for PC3/Red Seal): scope & requirements for the credentials
•Have FOODSAFE Level 1 certification
•Be available to participate in two week training and assessment sessions, in Vancouver, at your own expense: 
◦Monday, September 30 – Friday,October 4 and
 Monday,October 7 – Monday, October 11
◦7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
•Be willing to fill in required application forms, participate in assessments, language and skills training
•Be willing to participate in screening interviews
•Have an updated resume
To apply, send your resume to Lauren Bond at recruitment@go2hr.ca.
To learn more visit: www.go2hr.ca/CookPlacement.
Application deadline: August 15, 2013.

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