다이버시티에 있는 Family Services Job Posting 입니다
DIVERSEcity (96.53.69.XXX) / 번호: 15933 / 등록: 2013-04-26 12:02 / 수정: 2013-04-26 12:31 / 조회수: 4113

관심 있으신 분들은 지원하시기 바랍니다.




Date Posted:April 22, 2013

Job Posting Number:1314

Job Title:Clinical Supervisor –Family Counselling, Children who Witness Abuse, Alcohol & Drug, Child & Youth Mental Health and Grief & Trauma

Department:Family Services

Classification:Regular Part-Time (14 hours per week)

Salary Range:Grid Level 17 ($28.48-$33.48 per hour)

Reports to:Director, Family Services

Start Date: ASAP


We are seeking applications for an experienced Clinical Supervisor in our Family Services department.


The incumbent will be responsible for ensuring the ethical legal integrity of case file protocols including quality of content, counselling process, and structure of client files. You will write and review policies, procedures and practice affecting client intake, planning, delivery and evaluation of services in consultation with the Family Services Manager and ensure that individual treatment plans are designed, implemented and evaluated on a continuing basis and that case plans and client files are kept up to date.



You will assess, evaluate, and document personnel training needs; coordinate and/or deliver training to staff on identified topics through a mixture of knowledge and skill based instruction and skill building exercises; to be available to provide debriefing for staff; to ensure clinical staff is trained on DIVERSEcity’s written policies and procedures regarding the laws and employee responsibilities regarding mandated reporting, such as identifications of clinical indicators of suspected child abuse and neglect, suicidal ideation and applicable and reportable criminal behaviour. To provide clinical support and consultation through multi-team and individual case review to clinical programs specializing in Family Counselling, Children Who Witness Abuse, Child & Youth Mental Health, Alcohol & Drug and Grief & Trauma Counselling.

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