발런티어 모집공고 - 6월 9일 이탈리언 데이
DIVERSEcity (96.48.197.XXX) / 번호: 16217 / 등록: 2013-05-17 12:06 / 수정: 2013-05-17 13:44 / 조회수: 4108
6월 9일에 있는 '이탈리언 데이' 를 위한 발런티어를
발런티어를 지원하시면 발런티어증명서, 점심과 물, 티셔츠가
아래 표에 나와있는 지원요강을 살펴보시고 원하시는 분야에
지원하시길 바랍니다.
16세 이상이면 누구나 지원가능하고 6월 3일에 있는 발런티어
트레이닝에 참석하실 수 있습니다.
많은 분들이 참여하셔서 다른 사람에게 도움이 되는 
즐거운 경험을 누려보시길 바랍니다.
날짜: 6월 9일
시간: 오전 11시30분부터 오후 3시 30분까지 4시간
장소: Commercial Drive in Vancouver
*지원을 원하시는 분들은 연락주시기 바랍니다.
John Song 604-597-0205 ext. 4307 or, 604-587-5628

Volunteer Recruitment for "Italian Day on the Drive in Vancouver"

Date: June 9, 2013. Our shift 11:30am – 3:30pm ( 4 hours)

Place: Commercial Drive in Vancouver

We need 40 Barricade Marshals and several Block Captains/ Team Leaders.

Volunteer certificate, light lunch, water and t-shirt will be provided.

Volunteer training on June 3 is optional.

Volunteers need to be age 16 and above;

Grade 10 students are welcomed with parent(s) also sign up as volunteer at the same location.



If you are interested, please send email to fkao@dcrs.ca to get the registration form.


Last Name

First Name




T-Shirt size

Parents name (if under 18)

Apply for which volunteer position

1. Block Captain/ Team Leader

2. Barricade Marshal

3. Others, please specify

Some other volunteer positions may be required too: Raffle Booth/ Sales, and Newspaper Distributors.




To monitor the barricades.

Team Leader

Manage the volunteers on one of the following: set-up & take-down, volunteer room, stage hands / entertainment, garbage & recycling, block captains, hosts, raffle booth, “Little Italy” kids zone.

Volunteer Room

Answer volunteer questions and concerns, lead the signed-in

volunteers to their tasks.

Block Captain

Monitor designated area and if any issues arise contact appropriate volunteer lead(s) or security.

Set-Up & Take-Down

Set-up & take-down of barricades on side streets, collecting & distributing tables and chairs to vendor and sponsor booths.

Stage Hands / Entertainment

Help with contests, set-up & take down, monitor set list,

help with fashion show.

Garbage & Recycling

Assist with litter pick-up and recycling, maintain area cleanliness,

assisting with post-event clean-up (sidewalk sweeping).


Greet attendees, distribute information, and provide directions.

Pictorial Display

Set-up & take-down display, answering questions, monitoring.

Raffle Booth

Promote and sell Italian Day raffle tickets.

“Little Italy” Kids Zone

Assist with activities in the kids zone (face painting, crafting, and balloon making). Assist with setting up, hosting, or taking down the activities.


Assist in activities including bocce ball and soccer.

Newsletter/Giornale Distributors

Distribute festival booklets to attendees.

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