에밀리카 무료 ESA 프로그램(그래픽 디자인)
DIVERSEcity (207.34.170.XXX) / 번호: 16249 / 등록: 2013-05-21 11:11 / 수정: 2013-05-21 11:11 / 조회수: 4111
에밀미리카 유니버시티에서 제공하는 무료 ESA (Employment Skills Access) 프로그램입니다. 정원은 16명입니다.
7000불 상당의 수업료를 무료로 공부하실 수 있는 기회입니다. 영어 레벨은 IELTs 6.0 이거나 잉글리쉬 12를 마치셨어야
합니다. 구체적인 정보는 아래의 문서를 참고하시기 바랍니다.


Interaction Design Essentials is a six-month, intensive full-time
program offered by Emily Carr University of Art + Design Continuing
Studies, which blends design principals with technical skills training.
The program is designed to have students exit the program with a greater
understanding of the interaction design field, signified with a
certificate as well as a portfolio of work created throughout the
program. Interaction Design Essentials emphasizes usability (how people
read, navigate and interact with web-based information), accessibility
(web standards, (X)HTML, CSS) and searchability. From the fundamentals
of design to advanced skills in web design, motion graphics and
portfolio development, Interaction Design Essentials is ideal for
students looking to develop significant skills that will prepare them
for professional work. Through the span of the program, students will:

· Acquire knowledge, skills, understanding, and experience in interactive digital media processes and practices;

· Refine and further develop their visual literacy, creative thinking, and modes of expression and communication;

· Appreciate the ideas and intentions of digital media, and their relationships to contemporary adaptive graphic design;

· Develop critical thinking skills in the concepts and processes involved in creating interactive digital environments;

· Build a portfolio of work; and

· Receive a credential attesting to the successful completion of a program of study.

By using a “best practices” approach to interaction design, students
will create platforms that are not only visually appealing but that also
combine accessibility and usability with human interaction. On
completion of the program, students will have a web portfolio
appropriate for professional use.


funding is available to clients who are underemployed or unemployed,
non-EI clients. To be eligible for the program, students must meet the
following criteria:

· legally entitled to work in Canada;

· living in British Columbia;

· not a current student;

· not currently participating in another Labour Market funded program; and

· an IELTS (or equivalent) score of 6.0 or higher.

· Must have GED or grade 12 certification of completion

For more information, please review the ESA eligibility requirements at www.ecuad.ca/programs/cs/certificate/interactionde


The following costs are fully covered through ESA funding to clients:

· Full tuition ($7000)

· Adobe CS Suite software for the program

· Computer access during class time

· Application fee ($35)

· Transportation on a needs basis

· Library access at Emily Carr University of Art + Design


All applications for the Interaction Design Essentials program are
processed online through SlideRoom, which is an application and
portfolio platform that allows applications to be fully digital.
Applicants can access SlideRoom through our website at

The following items are required for application:

· Applicant’s details

· Education and work experience

· Attachments – Resume, Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, proof of eligibility to work in Canada

· IELTS or TOEFL Documentation

· Portfolio – this requirement can be filled with either a
portfolio of one’s own work or a selection of no more than10 images that
indicate their design thinking and creative influences. Applicants will
be asked to consider and explain why they included specific portfolio


· Application Deadline: August 2, 2013

· Program Length: 24 weeks split into two 12-week terms

· Program Schedule: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm daily

· Program Start: September 23, 2013

· Program Location: Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver BC

The following items are required for application:

· Applicant’s details

· Education and work experience

· Attachments – Resume, Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, proof of eligibility to work in Canada

· IELTS or TOEFL Documentation

· Portfolio – this requirement can be filled with either a
portfolio of one’s own work or a selection of no more than10 images that
indicate their design thinking and creative influences. Applicants will
be asked to consider and explain why they included specific portfolio

Each course within the program
focuses on the development of conceptual and technical skills, giving
students an understanding of the processes involved in contemporary
interactive design and digital media practice. Courses focus on specific
skill development pertaining to employment in the field of interaction
design. This skill development includes:

· Design for mobile devices

· Graphics Design for the Web using Photoshop and Illustrator

· Web sites development using C++ and Dreamweaver

· How to utilize XML, PHP and JavaScript

· How to lead effective projects and work in teams

· Building mobile CSS Styles


· Portfolio of recent work demonstrating critical design thinking and visual proficiency

· Certificate of secondary school graduation

· English Language Proficiency with IELTS score of 6.0 if English is the student’s second language

· Proof of citizenship/Permanent Resident status for domestic students, suitable student visa for international students

· Interview with an Interaction Design Essentials Faculty member
providing in-depth assessment of suitability to the program


Interaction Design Essentials (ESA) is ideal for students who are
interested in learning the fundamentals of interaction design with the
intention of gaining employment in that field after graduation. This
program would be of particular interest to those students who are
looking for a career transition into a different industry, those who
want to expand their employability by increasing their ability to work
with new and more advanced technology and those who are looking to
increase their knowledge and ability to work in the new and expanding
field of interaction design. This program would also be of extensive use
to those who would like to pursue self-employment and freelance work by
creating a practice centered around interaction design, or to expand
their communications, marketing, art or other small business ventures.

This program operates with the intention of making students job-ready, with possible entry level jobs as:

· web developers

· web designers

· new media project managers

· mobile application developers

· interactive designers

· user interface designers


According to WorkBC, there will be increased employment prospects for
employees working in the interaction design sector, citing strong job
growth and high demand for employees in both web design and programming
fields. The Interaction Design Essentials program allows people to gain
proficiency in interaction design technology to augment their previous
experience in such fields as graphic design, marketing and programming,
thus helping employees to remain relevant and current in regards to new
technology. It also allows those who are transitioning between careers
to become familiar and comfortable with new and emerging technology.

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