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DIVERSEcity (96.53.69.XXX) / 번호: 16923 / 등록: 2013-07-12 09:54 / 수정: 2013-07-12 09:54 / 조회수: 4108
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The BC Labour Market Report's

Labour Market Hot Sheet

July 1, 2013

Interview Thursday: Arlene Keis, CEO of go2

Thursday July 4, 2013 | 10am

Pre-taped interview with Kevin Evans followed by a round-table discussion with a moderator.

Location: 6th Floor, 1901 Rosser Avenue, Burnaby, BC


Click Event on Calendar to Poster:Click Here

Occupational Profile:Dentists

To download the complete report, please click on this link.

While dentistry requires skill, artistry and technical ability, it is primarily a helping profession where you will often have more interaction with patients than doctors and nurses. It is also an occupation that primarily derives its income from self employment, meaning good dentists will also be good business people with sales skills. A skilled dentist not only needs to be able to provide patients with options but also the encouragement to purchase those products and services; an aspect that makes dentistry quite a bit different than medicine in British Columbia.

This is a classic example of where our understanding of an occupation splits from the day-to-day reality. The statistics demonstrate that the longer a dentist practices the interpersonal aspects of their job, the more their income will rise as they improve their speed, develop a comfort with the sales aspects of the work and build their patient base. Simply put, a likable dentist will be far more successful than a quiet, socially awkward dentist.

By the year 2015, it is estimated there will be 3,880 dentists in British Columbia and growth is expected to continue even further. The growth rate per year is pegged at 2.5% and this level matches even the fastest growing health care occupations.

As residents get older, the need for dental care becomes more pronounced and this is one of the key factors in the profession's growth.

Approximately 30% (1 in 3) dentists are women and this level is growing. Dentistry also has a higher level of part-time employment, likely because dentistry lends itself better to self employment in comparison to other health care occupations.

Dentistry is a strong occupation with excellent employment outcomes. Given that UBC's dental school maintains very high expectations, interested applicants will need to have excellent grades and academic achievements. This platform creates an excellent income where dentists today earn incomes from $60,000 to $175,000 per year.

Without question, dentistry has an excellent future. If you have the academic ability to complete the program, you're a born entrepreneur, with strong interest in oral health and a desire to work with people, this career will provide you with great opportunities.

This Week in Social Media page: BC Labour Market Report

(seriously, if you can like the UBC Continuing Dental Education page on Facebook (46 likes), you can like theBC Labour Market Report :-)

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B.C. government offering Aboriginal essential skills bootcamp
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Mining sector hiring slows: Many companies in survival mode, but hopeful for the future
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Unarmed peace officers to aid VPD in $6-million pilot project; 20 to be hired in July and 22 in August
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Article: Companies like Lululemon take different approach to relationships with employees
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Education: PCTIA Launch Review of Student Co-Op Programs in B.C.
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Job Postings

Career Development Sector

Job Developer
AWARE Society
New Westminster, BC
Closes: July 2nd

Case Manager / Facilitator
United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society (S.U.C.C.E.S.S.),
Vancouver, BC
Closes: July 2nd

Resource Room Coordinator
Back in Motion Rehab
Surrey, BC
Closes: July 4th

Employment Advisor
YMCA of Okanagan
Penticton, BC
Closes: July 5th

Employment Resource Specialist / Facilitator
Training Innovations Inc.
Whistler, BC
Closes: July 11th

Facilitator (Auxiliary)

AWARE Employment Services
New Westminster, BC
Closes: July 31st

Employment Advisor
Kelowna Family YMCA
Kelowna, BC
Closes: Sept. 20th

Trainee (Peer Leader)
Pacific Community Resources Society
Vancouver, BC
Closes: Oct. 14th

Did you know?

Fascinating Facts

More than 55% of the jobs for new dentists will be created as a result of retirements.

- BC Stats

Quote of the Week


"Every tooth in a man's head is more valuable than a diamond"

- Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1605

In This Issue

Labour Market Report for Dentists

This Week in Social Media

Career Development Job Postings

Fascinating Facts About Dentists

Quote About Teeth

Next Issue of the BC Labour Market


Topic: Cement Finishers

Due: July 8, 2013

BC Labour Market Report

PO Box 4154, Station Terminal

Vancouver, BC

V6B 3Z6



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