캐나다 시민권 시험 준비 강좌! (취소)
success (66.183.63.XXX) / 번호: 17735 / 등록: 2013-09-10 11:05 / 수정: 2013-09-19 15:34 / 조회수: 4122

버나비에서 10월 1일부터 진행하기로 했던 시민권 준비 강좌가 사정상 취소되게 되었음을 알려드립니다.

시민권 강좌를 영어로 들으실 수 있는 분들은 다음 정보를 참조하세요.

석세스에서 개발한 온라인 시민권 준비 싸이트




23/24 저녁에
모자익이 McGill Library 에서 하는 시민권 강좌




Canadian Citizenship Test
Preparation Workshops

A program open to all ages

Monday October 7

5:30 pm-8:30 pm



Morris J. Wosk Board Room, Level

Central Library

350 West Georgia Street

Tuesday October 8

5:30 pm-8:30 pm



Morris J. Wosk Board Room, Level

Central Library

350 West Georgia Street

Wednesday October 16

5:30 pm-8:30 pm



Oakridge Meeting Room

Oakridge Branch

#191-650 West 41st Avenue

Thursday October 17

5:30 pm-8:30 pm



Oakridge Meeting Room

Oakridge Branch

#191-650 West 41st Avenue

Join us for 2 workshops to
prepare for the Canadian Citizenship Test. Topics are often included in the
test, including Canada's history, rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
Facilitated by MOSAIC staff and held in English.Please bring pen, paper, the
Discover Canada book if you have it and your PR number to complete the
registration. Mandarin Support for Oakridge Workshop


Registration required. Please
call MOSAIC at 604-254-9626. Bring pen, paper and Discover Canada book.

For more information please
contact Programming and Learning Services at 604 331-3603 or via email: info@vpl.ca

less info

Program id 38475


   시민권 시험 준비 가이드



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