구직공고) Store Shelf Stocker/Receiver for a Korean Supermarket
success (70.68.108.XXX) / 번호: 18948 / 등록: 2013-12-03 10:51 / 수정: 2013-12-03 10:51 / 조회수: 4110

Type of Employment: Full-time (on shifts)
Position: Store Shelf Stocker/Receiver

Location: Broadway at St. George Street, Vancouver (Transit Accessible)
Nature of Business: Retail (Supermarket)

Salary: $10.25 per hour

Job Summary: Kims Mark Enterprises Ltd. is seeking a full-time Store Shelf Stocker/Receiver to join their team.

Key Responsibilities
This is a physically demanding position; the successful candidate must be able to handle maneuvering heavy loads of up to approximately 45kg (100 lbs.). Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

•    Bag, box or parcel purchases for customers
•    Carry customers' purchases to parking lot and pack in vehicles
•    Unpack products received by store and count, weigh or sort items
•    Use barcode scanning equipment to record incoming stock, verify pricing and maintain computerized stock inventory
•    Price items using stamp or stickers according to price list
•    Stock shelves and display areas and keep stock clean and in order
•    Fill mail orders from warehouse stock and organize the inventories
•    Obtain articles for customers from shelf or stockroom
•    Direct customers to location of articles sought
•    May sweep aisles, dust display racks and perform other general cleaning duties
•    May order stock.
•   Other duties as required.

Requirements, Skills & Qualifications:

Credentials (certificates, licenses, membership, courses etc.): Not required, will train.
Weight handling: Up to approximately 45kg (100lbs)
Language(s): Ability to communicate in English; second language (Korean) an asset

Working Hours: A.M. Shift – 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or P.M. Shift – 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Willingness to work weekends and able to work on shifts.

Application Information:
To apply, please submit your resume at marianna.pang@success.bc.ca no later than noon (12:00 p.m.) of the closing date.

We thank you for your interest and advise that only those shortlisted will be processed and forwarded to the employers for their consideration.

Application Deadline: Monday, December 6, 2013 at noon.

This job posting has been provided by an external employer. S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content.

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