구직공고) F/T Driver (Chauffeur)
success (70.68.48.XXX) / 번호: 18967 / 등록: 2013-12-04 10:31 / 수정: 2013-12-04 10:32 / 조회수: 4103

The Consulate General of Republic of Korea http://can-vancouver.mofa.go.kr/eng is now seeking to hire a driver.

Type of employment: full time (1 year contract with possible extention, 3 month probation period required)

Location: Vancouver, BC

Salary: to be advised by the employer at the job interview

Key responsibilities:

  • Responsible for taking the Consulate Genral to and from the Residence and other work-related places using a Consulate's vehicle (Maker and model: Hyundai EQUUS)

  • Repsonsbible for operating the Consulate's other official cars

  • Responsible for a general maintenance of the premises including the Koren Consulate and the Consulate Genral's Residence

  • Providing administrative supports

  • Providing other  (may include physical) supports if needed

Requirements, Skills, and Qualifications:

  • Must have excellent driving experiences

  • Must be familiar with BC's driving regualtions and restrictions

  • Must be familair with the city layout of Vancouver and its vincinity, especially with the gicvernment agencies and important buildings and locations in the greater Vancouver area

  • Must be honest, responsible, and polite

  • Must have a positive attitude and be a team player

  • Must be willing and able to work overtime including weekends

  • Handyman and comfortable to work with tools

Credentials (certificates, licenses, membership, courses etc):

  • Must hold a valid BC driver's license

Weight handling:  Be able to lift weights of 40-60 Ibs

Languages: Must be able to communicate in English (Intermediate or higher level of English proficiency required)

Application info: Intrested applications should submit a copy of resume, a copy of driver's license, a copy of legal status in Canada (e.g. work permit, permanent resident card or Canadian citizenshop card), and a letter of recommentation from the past employer (if any) to hyselee09@mofa.go.kr via email no later than Dec 13, 2013.

The priority consideration and early interview date will be given to those who apply early.

We thank you for your interest and advise that ONLY qualified candidates will be contacted for an in-person interview by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea.

Application Deadline: Friday, Dec 13, 2013 at noon

*  This job postingh has been provided by an external employer. SUCCESS is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, or reliability of the content.


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