무료 영어 튜터링 프로그램 - 밴쿠버/ 버나비 지역에 사시는 분들
WorkBC (96.53.47.XXX) / 번호: 20010 / 등록: 2014-02-06 16:46 / 수정: 2014-02-06 16:46 / 조회수: 4098

밴쿠버와 버나비 지역에 사시는 분들에게 제공되어지는 무료 튜터링입니다. 제공은 밴쿠버 커뮤니티 컬리지에서 합니다. 일주일에 두시간 튜터링을 받으실 수 있습니다. 자격조건은 시민권자 영주권자 그리고 난민자입니다. 좋은 기회가 되시길 바랍니다.

Free ESL Tutoring for Homebound Persons

Agency: Vancouver  community college

Program Description: Free English instruction for learners at home for tow hous a week, by trained volunteered ESL tutors. This program is for adult ESL learners living in Vancouver or Burnaby who cannot attend classes for a variety of reasons including family commitments, work shedules or health problems. Students can study at any level: beginner, intermediate or advanced.

client profile/ Eligibility criteria

Canadian Citizens,permanent Residents and Refugees.

Registration information

call 604-871-7277 for information on how to register.

Start Dates/Duration

Students can stay in the program as long as they are eligible and a tutor is available.

program fee: Free

Contact: Homefront Learning 

Phone: 604-871-7277

Fax: 604-871-7270

Email: hfapplications@vcc.ca

Location: Vancouver and Burnaby


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