Richmond Hospitality Group Recruitment Fair
WorkBC (96.53.47.XXX) / 번호: 20170 / 등록: 2014-02-14 16:50 / 수정: 2014-02-14 16:50 / 조회수: 4104

리치몬드에서 열리는 Hospitality Recruitment Fair 입니다. 관심 있으신 분들은 참여 하시기 바랍니다.

Richmond Hospitality Group Recruitment Fair

날짜/시간: Saturday, Feb. 15 10 AM – 1 PM


장소: Sheraton Vancouver Airport 7551 Westminster Hwy, Richmond


- The Richmond Hospitality Group consists of three world class branded hotels:

  •  Hilton Vancouver Airport,

  •  Sheraton Vancouver Airport

  •  Marriott Vancouver Airport Hotels.

  - Please bring a copy of your resume and references with you.

-   The RHG is currently recruiting for a variety of positions including:

  • Housekeeping Room Attendants

  • Housekeeping Housepersons

  • Cooks

  • Room Service Attendants

  • Hosts / Hostesses

  • Restaurant Servers

  • Banquet Servers

  • Banquet Captains

  • Maintenance positions

  • Night Auditors

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