취업하였다. 그 다음은 어떻게 할 것인가 - 세미나 안내
Options (70.79.128.XXX) / 번호: 2022 / 등록: 2011-02-18 10:31 / 수정: 2011-02-18 10:31 / 조회수: 4129

"Orientation, Retention and Promotion of New Immigrant Employees"

취업이 되었다고 거기서 끝은 아닙니다.

어떤 전략으로 내 job을 지킬것인가?
어떤 교육과 경험을 바탕으로 내 커리어 안에서 발전해 나갈것인가?

* 최근에 취업 하신 분이나, 구직자 모두 환영합니다.
* 3월 28일 6pm~7:30pm
* Sheraton Cuildford Hotel 15269-104th Ave Surrey
* 영어로 진행됩니다.
* 아래 내용을 읽어 보시고, 참석을 원하시는 분은 옵션스 이민자 봉사회로 연락 주시면 등록 안내 드리겠습니다.
(604-572-4060 #385 에이미 전) 
Work to ensure your success on the job
Attend A Free Workshop for Building Welcoming and Inclusive Workplaces
– Orientation, Retention and Promotion of New Immigrant Employees
Workshop Summary
Your job search was difficult but finally you’ve found a job that utilizes some of your skills, experience and education – now what? 
New immigrant job seekers are able to get lots of help and information before landing the job and are now catching on to how important it is to get help to retain the job and to work with their new employers to career plan. This 90 minute workshop is intended for job seeking or recently hired new immigrants who want to learn more to ensure their success in the BC workplace. The workshop will provide participants with tools, tips, strategies and resources to better understand employers and to manage their first days, weeks and months on the job. The workshop will explore the roles and responsibilities of career planning and development. 
This workshop has been developed by DIVERSEcity Community Resources with funding from the governments of BC and Canada and is provided at no cost to participants.
Jody Johnson, Principal PEERs Employment and Education Resources Inc., has twenty years experience assisting employers, new immigrants, government and community service providers create workplaces and communities that work for everyone. She is recognized for her knowledge on cultural diversity and immigrant workforce integration. Jody is an engaging presenter and has facilitated more than 250 workshops on this and related subjects.
Workshop Date
March 28th 6:00 pm to 7:30 pma light meal will be provided; registration and meal services will begin at 5:15 pm
Sheraton Guildford Hotel, 15269 – 104th Avenue Surrey, BC

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