향후 10년 BC주의 전망 좋은 10가지 직종
DIVERSEcity (184.71.148.XXX) / 번호: 22309 / 등록: 2014-07-15 12:44 / 수정: 2014-07-15 12:45 / 조회수: 4123

10 jobs expected to be in highest demand in B.C. in the next decade

Job Title    Number of job openings over the next 10 years
Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses                 24,660
Transport truck drivers                 16,300
Carpenters                  13,690
Financial auditors and accountants                 13,450
Cooks                 10,210
Early childhood educators and assistants                                          9,050
Construction trades helpers and labourers                    8,170
Electricians (except industrial and power system)                   7,230
Heavy equipment operators (except crane)                    6,760
Welders and related machine operators                   3,890

From The Globe and Mail

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