랑가라 컬리지 무료 Certificate 프로그램
DIVERSEcity (184.71.148.XXX) / 번호: 22603 / 등록: 2014-08-08 13:51 / 수정: 2014-08-08 13:51 / 조회수: 4129

College, Project Based Training (formerly ESA)

랑가라 컬리지  (601 West Broadway location) 에서 다음의 세가지 certificate프로그램을 제공합니다.  신청 자격은 다음과 같습니다: 

unemployed and not eligible for EI, under-employed with no
post-secondary education, Permanent Residents with a valid SIN.


Administrative Skills
:  A 14 week
program (12 week classroom and 2 week workplace practicum) that will focus on
upper level administrative skills – Word 2, Excel 2, Bookkeeping, Simply
Accounting, Management and Leadership skills, Business Communications, Outlook
and Sharepoint, Photoshop and Web Editing and more.
  Interested applicants must take a skills
assessment before acceptance into the program.

This program will run from Sept. 8- December 15 and is a
full time program (M-F, 9-4)

Introduction to
Engineering in BC Program:
A comprehensive 14 week program (12 week
classroom and 2 week workplace practicum) that will provide new and recent
engineering professionals (engineers,
technicians, technologists)
with Technical Writing, Analyzing Technical Data
skills, Technical Oral Presentations, Engineering Vocabulary, Engineering and
Technology Skills, Workplace Cultural Communications, Engineering Business Communications,
and Computer skills.

This program will run from Sept. 2- December 5 and is a full
time program (M-F, 9-4)

Business Skills
Training Program.
 The 14 week program teaches the basics of
business management, marketing, sales, customer service, finance, computer and
online skills.
   The program will give participants the
necessary tools and confidence to work in a multi-tasking, multi-skilled
business environment or succeed in their own self-employment.

Program starts on Sept 15, 2014 and is a full time program
(M-F, 9–4)

문의: 아이린 고 (604-547-1300, ikoh@dcrs.ca

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