게이트웨이 카지노 & 버나비 홈 디포 Hiring Fair 정보
DIVERSEcity (184.71.148.XXX) / 번호: 23350 / 등록: 2014-10-01 10:27 / 수정: 2014-10-01 10:31 / 조회수: 4145


게이트웨이 카지노와 버나비 홈 디포의 Hiring Fair 정보입니다.

 1. Gateway Casino

When: Friday, October 3rd 10am

Where: Fleetwood/Guildford Employment Services Centre (#202-10334 152A Street)

To register: 604-580-9768 OR bhunjan@sfgesc.ca

Attend the hiring session on Friday October 3th to find out more about the positions available with Gateway Casinos & their partner properties.

The session includesan information session and screening interviews conducted by Gateway Casinos Management.

Positions Available:
• Cashier
• Entry Level Dealer
• Server/Bartender/Host
• Cook/Dishwasher/Busser
• Hotel & Casino Staff
• Security Officer

Please be aware of the following minimum requirements:
• Applicant must be of 19 years of age
• Applicant must be eligible to work in Canada
Time: To register please call 604-580-9768 or email bhunjan@sfgesc.ca

2. Burnaby Home
Depot Career Fair


Address: 3950 Henning
Drive, Burnaby BC


 All applicants will be
interviewed at this time. 
Please be sure and
apply online to the Home Depot website prior to attending and 
complete the online
Please bring 3
business references (previous supervisor's preferred) a hard copy of your
resume along with 
two pieces of
Government issued photo ID. 
 We offer competitive
benefits, training and hands on experience you need to learn and exceed.


아이린 고 (604-547-1300, ikoh@dcrs.ca)



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