The Painters Union is Hiring
DIVERSEcity (154.5.108.XXX) / 번호: 23354 / 등록: 2014-10-01 16:15 / 수정: 2014-10-01 22:36 / 조회수: 4133

The Painters Union is Hiring 30 to 50 People on Oct. 03, 2014
Position: Asbestos Removal (one day training provided)
Temporary Full Time
Rates of pay: $15.00
to $24.00/hr. 
Come to information
session ready to work.


toed boots
ID for

You will be hired
and become a member of the Painter’s Union. 
They will dispatch you to various sites throughout the Lower Mainland.


October 03, 2014
9:00 A.M.


Surrey Finishing
Trades Building

12277 Industrial
Surrey BC

Get off at Scott
Road Station and cross Perimeter Road-The office is located in the big red
building at the end of the street.

Questions call Calvin at 604-524-8661


안녕하세요, 다이버시티의 아이린입니다. 저희 다이버시티 소식란을 보시는 분들 가운데 취업을 희망하시는 분들에게 유용한 정보를 드리고자 Hiring Event정보를 올리고는 있으나 다이버시티와 직접적인 파트너쉽이 있는 고용주는 아니기에 구체적인 회사 정보및 업무 사항에 관해 궁금하신 것은 직접 알아보시기를 권고드립니다. 감사합니다.


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