청년 창업자를 위한 정부 보조 무료 훈련 프로그램 (Youth Entrepreneurship Program)
DIVERSEcity (184.71.148.XXX) / 번호: 24542 / 등록: 2015-01-06 10:24 / 수정: 2015-01-06 11:01 / 조회수: 4142

청년 창업가를 위한 정부 보조 무료 트레이닝 프로그램으로서 1월 6일 오후 2시반에 마지막 인포세션이 있으니  관심있으신 청년들은 참조하시기 바랍니다.

PICS Youth Entrepreneurship Program and Info Session

PICS "Youth Entrepreneurship Program" and Information Session

We are extremely happy to announce that PICS is offering "Youth Entrepreneurship Program". We are currently accepting applications for the Jan 12, 2015 intake.

If you know anyone who meets the following criteria please ask them to contact us ASAP. We can accept only 15 people for the Jan 12, 2015 class.


Between 15 and 30 years of age (inclusive) at the time of intake/selection;
Not in F/T school;
Not working F/T;
A Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or a person on whom refugee status has been conferred;
Legally entitled to work according to the regulations in vogue in the Province of British Columbia;
Not in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) benefits; and
In need of assistance to overcome employment barriers.

Please note, that there are no residence restrictions on where the participants live as long as they are eligible based on the above criteria.
They will learn self-employment skills through this entrepreneurship program, including developing a business plan, a marketing plan, and find help to access start-up funding and managing cash.
In addition eligible participants receive income support of $306.00 per week for 22 weeks.
In order to be considered one must attend an ‘Information Session’ at:

Place: PICS Head Office - Unit 205, 12725 80th Avenue, Surrey
Date: January 6, Tues at 2:30 pm

Seating is limited; to attend the session one must pre-register at: deshpal.grewal@pics.bc.ca or contact Deshpal Grewal at 604-596-7722, Ext 126 or
sunil.rawat@pics.bc.ca or contact Sunil Rawat at 604-596-7722, ext. 128

문의: 아이린 고 (604-547-1300, ikoh@dcrs.ca)

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