Nurse Next Door Hiring Event
DIVERSEcity (184.71.148.XXX) / 번호: 24603 / 등록: 2015-01-10 13:22 / 수정: 2015-01-10 13:23 / 조회수: 4125


다이버시티의 아이린입니다. 간호사및 관련 의료 종사 취업에 관심있으신 분들을 위한 행사 정보입니다.

Nurse Next Door Hiring Event - January 16th 2015

Nurse Next Door Hiring Event - January 16th 2015

2 - 11/2 hr sessions 9:00am - 12:00

Location: Avia Employment Services, Suite 240-7525 King George Blvd. Surrey, BC

How to register for the info session: Email full name and telephone # to

Questions call: 778-728-0175 ext. 3000

Nurse Next Door is hiring for a number of positions:

  • Health Care Assistants
  • Care Aides
  • Internationally Educated Nurses
  • LPN's & RN's
  • Hourly and Live-in Positions
  • You must be eligible to work in Canada and speak fluent English
  • Driving is an asset not a necessity

You must be willing and able to work in Richmond or White Rock / South Surrey. Send your resume to careers@nursenextdoorrichmond if you are unable to attend January 16th event.

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