EV Logistics Job Fair
DIVERSEcity (184.71.148.XXX) / 번호: 24743 / 등록: 2015-01-21 12:42 / 수정: 2015-01-21 12:42 / 조회수: 4127


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EV Logistics Job Fair - Langley - January 26th 2015

EV Logistics is hosting a Job Fair on Monday, January 26th  from 2:00pm - 5:00pm Location: 5111 - 272 St., Langley.

Entry-level warehouse order selector positions are available at our Perishable Facility and Dry Goods Facility.

Stable. part-time union positions with hours ranging 16-40 hours per week. Starting wage is $13.80hr and EV Logisitics offers an attractive

incentive program and regular progressive increases every 500-1000 hours worked. An excellent training program is provided.

Requirements: Ability to do repetative physical work that requires lifting 20-80lb cases of grocery products. Weekend work, flexible daytime and

afternoon availability and English communication skills essential. No access to public transit.

Please bring your resume and 2 pieces of ID for the interview - 1 piece must have government issued photo ID.

Check out our website to learn more: www.evlogistics.com

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