정부지원 무료프로그램 안내: Working In Natural Gas Training
success (70.68.146.XXX) / 번호: 24893 / 등록: 2015-02-03 16:30 / 수정: 2015-02-05 09:13 / 조회수: 4134


Vancouver Community College에서는 BC Consortium for Skills Development  정책의 일환으로 이번 2월 23일부터 Working In Natural Gas (WiNG)프로그램을 제공할 예정입니다. 정부펀딩을 받아 제공되는 이 프로그램은 Oil and Gas 분야에서의 직업을 탐색하시는 분들께 좋은 기회가 될 것입니다.

4주간 120시간의 트레이닝 과정에는 Oil & Gas 산업분야와  관련된 각종 안전자격증 (예: Confined Space, eGSO, Petroleum Safety Training, Fall Protection and etc) 과 진로탐색과정이 포함될 예정입니다.

트레이닝 과정: 2/23- 3/19, 2015


  • Natural Gad Industry in BC
  • Working with Natural Gas
  • Terminology and Communications
  • Career Planning
  • Finding employment in Natual Gas


  • Unemployed and have NOT had a regualr EI claim in the last 3 years
  • Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident
  • Cannot be enrolled in post-secondary courses or programs
  • No currently participating in another JFA-funded program
  • Experiencing difficulties securing employment due to lack of skills training
  • Applicant should be ready to do physical work, familiar with hand tools, and be willing to re-locate on short notice.
  • CLB level 6 and above

Meeting eligibility requirements does not guarantee a seat in the program. ONLY SUITABLE APPLICANTS will be contacted for INTAKE INTERVIEWS.

If you meet the above mentioned eligibility requirements, please email Alena Worster at aworster@vcc.ca to register for the upcoming info session on Friday, Feb 6th, 2015 at 10am

자격조건을 충족하시는 분들은 직접 VCC  담당자 Alena 와 연락하시면 됩니다.

좋은 성과를 바랍니다.


써니 윤 Sunny Yun 올림.

Settlement Practitioner: Labour Market Specialist

Immigrant Settlement and Intergration Program in the Tri-cities

2058 Henderson Place, 1163 Pinetree Way, CQ

Tel: 604 468 6000

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