콴틀란 대학의 무료 취업 훈련 프로그램
DIVERSEcity (206.116.2.XXX) / 번호: 26093 / 등록: 2015-05-07 10:53 / 수정: 2015-05-11 14:30 / 조회수: 4122

안녕하세요 다이버시티의 아이린입니다. 콴틀란 대학에서 제공하는 취업 훈련 프로그램입니다. 매주 수요일 12:00-2:00 시에 6주동안 진행 됩니다. 취업을 희망하시는 분들 누구나 참여 하실 수 있습니다.

Pathway to Success 
The Essential Skills
for Job Success Program is designed to help provide participants with the
essential skills required to function effectively in a job. The sessions aim to
advance learners into appropriate jobs or careers and focus on workplace
communication, problem solving skills, and readiness for training programs or
further education. The ESJS program provides:

  • The 9 essential skills for job success, which are reading, writing, document use, computer use, oral communication, numeracy, thinking skills, working with others, and continuous learning.
  • Job searching
  • Resume building/updating
  • Writing cover letters
  • Interviewing skills development
  • Requesting a reference
  • Getting relevant work experiences through volunteering
  • Canadian workplace expectations

문의: 아이린 고 (604-547-1300; ikoh@dcrs.ca)

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