Canada Apprentice Loan
DIVERSEcity (206.116.2.XXX) / 번호: 26095 / 등록: 2015-05-07 11:13 / 수정: 2015-05-07 11:13 / 조회수: 4130

안녕하세요, 다이버시티의 아이린입니다. Canada Apprentice Loan 에 관한 정보 참조하세요.

Apprentice Loan

The Canada Apprentice Loan is an initiative of the Government of
Canada to help you complete your apprenticeship in a designated Red Seal trade.
Starting in January 2015, you can apply for up to $4,000 in interest-free loans
per period of technical training. The money will be available to you to help
pay for tuition, tools, equipment and living expenses, to cover forgone wages
or to help support your family.

To be eligible, you must meet all
of these criteria:

What you need
to know

  • The Government of Canada offers
    apprentices registered in a
    Red Seal Trade apprenticeship program
    up to $4,000
    per period of technical training.

  • You can get Canada Apprentice
    Loans for up to 5
    of technical training.

  • Your loan will be interest-free
    for up to 6 years
    as long as you are confirmed as being registered in a
    Red Seal
    Trade apprenticeship program.

  • You do not have to make
    any loan payments as long as your loan is in interest-free


  • The earliest you can apply
    for a Canada Apprentice Loan is 3
    before your technical training starts.

  • The latest you can apply
    for a Canada Apprentice Loan is the last
    of your technical training

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