콴틀란 대학에서 주최하는 비씨주의 post-secondary Education에 관한 오리엔테이션
DIVERSEcity (206.116.2.XXX) / 번호: 26268 / 등록: 2015-05-21 13:41 / 수정: 2015-05-21 13:41 / 조회수: 4130
These info sessions are open to new immigrants, refugees, parents,Canadian citizens, as well as community and settlement workers.
Each session will include an Introducation to Post-Secondary in BC as well as an Overview to KPU. Then we will feature a special topic for the second half of each session.

Topics include:

  • KPU programs and admission requirements
  • How to apply
  • Financial aid options
  • Testing and assessments
  • Free adult literacy programs
  • English upgrading
  • Career exploration programs

Session Information:

·         Monday May 25 (special topic: Free community adult literacy programs

·         Monday June 29 (special topic: Student Awards and Financial Assistance)

·         Monday July 27 (special topic: TBC)

·         Monday August 31 (special topic: Career Choices and Life Success)

​​6:00 - 8:00pm

Surrey Main Room 2801

KPU Surrey (12666 72 Avenue)

문의: 아이린 고 (604-547-1300, ikoh@dcrs.ca)

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