여름 동안 청소년 인턴쉽 기회 : Surrey Youth Engagement Intern
DIVERSEcity (206.116.2.XXX) / 번호: 26541 / 등록: 2015-06-12 11:39 / 수정: 2015-06-12 11:43 / 조회수: 4137


다이버시티의 아이린입니다. 써리 지역의 12세-24세 청소년 가운데 11월에 있을 커뮤니티 포럼을 계획하고 준비할 인턴을 뽑습니다. 한번의 미팅때마다 $20불이 지급되며 무엇보다 리더쉽을 키우고 레퍼런스를 받을 수 있는  기회입니다. 자세한 사항을 참조하시고 관심 있으신 분들은  6월 20일까지 아래 세가지 질문에 관한 답을 이메일로 보내주시면 되겠습니다.

The Surrey Youth Engagement project is looking for eight youth interns between age 12 and 24 to help us plan a community forum that will take place in November to tackle this question. We want the forum to be youth led, and would like the forum to include youth, parents, community leaders like politicians and business people, as well as representatives of agencies that already serve youth. The forum is a long way off, but there are lots of things to do that we would like our youth interns to take on:

Job Duties

 Plan and organize ways to get ideas from other youth about what needs to change in Surrey.
 Plan a survey of parents to get their ideas about how to best support young people.
 Plan and facilitate the community wide forum
 Create a job description for a youth engagement worker who will help support youth involvement in this project, and help to interview and hire that worker

It sounds like a lot of work, (and it is) but we can have fun doing it and the best part is you can get PAID and get letters of reference that can help you with job applications in the future. What’s the commitment like?

 Nine meetings from July through end of September.
 Six meetings from July 6 to August 14 will be weekly for 4 hours one afternoon each week.
 Three meetings from August 24 to end of September will be every two weeks for 2 hours (late afternoon/evening).

Pay : Youth will receive an honorarium of $20.00 per meeting.

If this sounds like a project you might be interested in, please send an expression of interest to
kabrahamson@shaw.ca that answers the following three questions:

1. What interests you about being a Surrey Youth Engagement Intern?
2. Why do you think that it’s important to have a community discussion about what it means for youth to be engaged and thriving in Surrey?
3. What do you bring to the project? (could be a talent or an interest or your energy).

The expression of interest can be anything! Write us a letter, send us a video, create a piece of art - you choose!
Just get it in to us by June 20th.

The Surrey Youth Engagement Project is a joint initiative of Surrey Schools, City of Surrey, MCFD, Fraser Health, Vancouver Foundation, VYPER, SFU, YMCA, Options, PCRS, Diversecity, PICS and other Surrey non-profit agencies.-

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