다이버시티 청년 취업 장려 프로그램 -Future Leaders Program
DIVERSEcity (207.81.228.XXX) / 번호: 27842 / 등록: 2015-10-08 12:34 / 수정: 2015-10-08 12:34 / 조회수: 4122

현 학생 신분이 아니며 취업을 희망하는 15세-30세 이민자 청년들의 취업을 도와주는 프로그램입니다. 프로그램 과정중 단기 자격증을 수료할 수 있으며 트레이닝 기간 중 급여를 받으실 수 있습니다. 3개월 이상의 풀타임 훈련을 모두 마칠 수 있으며 트레이닝 끝나고 취업이 가능한 청년들은 연락 주세요. 프로그램은 10월 26일에 시작하며 몇 자리 남지 않았습니다. 감사합니다. 

아이린 고 (604-547-1300; ikoh@dcrs.ca)  

Program Description:

The Future Leaders program is a 16-week program designed to address the multiple barriers to employment, faced by visible minority youth ages 15-30. The objective is to inspire and empower participants by providing a specialized curriculum that will enhance their skills, attitudes and behaviors as they relate to work experience activities. In the program they will gain skills, awareness and knowledge to enhance their school and/or career transition. The program provides a combination of Life Skills and Employment Skills training for 6 weeks and a Work Placement for 10 weeks in the Retail, Food and Service sectors. The youth participants receive various certifications, wages while attending class, and job placement.

Client Eligibility Criteria:

  • Clients between the age of 15-30 years
  • A member of a visible or ethnic minority group
  • Out of school and unemployed
  • Not on EI
  • Able to commit to entire program

What we provide to our clients:

  • Work experience to gain first Canadian work experience
  • Skills to enhance work opportunities
  • Paid training and work experience

Trainings provided to our clients

  • Food Safe
  • Occupational First Aid Level 1
  • Cashier and Customer Service Training

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