밴쿠버 공항 승객 안내원 모집 (대한항공 포함)
Options (64.141.87.XXX) / 번호: 29655 / 등록: 2016-04-06 09:53 / 수정: 2016-04-06 09:57 / 조회수: 4145


현재 SWISSPORT CANADA에서 Passenger Services Agent를 모집합니다.

발권 업무를 비롯하여 고객응대 및 게이트 체크인등을 담당하게 되며 특히 대한항공을 담당하는 Agent도

선발한다고하니 공항에 근무를 원하시는 분들이 지원하기에 좋은기회입니다.

아래 내용을 참고하시고 이에 맞는 본인의 이력서 및 자기소개서 작성 및 수정이 필요하시면 옵션스로

연락 주시면 구직에 성공하시도록 최선을 다해 도와드리겠습니다.

문의: 604-572-4060

제이 김 (#1131) - jay.kim@options.bc.ca / 샤론 김 (#1165) - sharon.kim@option.bc.ca

Job Summary

To provide all necessary and required passenger/customer services as contracted by the customer to include but not be limited to reservations, ticketing, baggage processing, terminal/gate check-in, jet way operation, greeting arriving passengers, handling of VIPs, provide special passenger assistance, handle customer complaints and other duties as assigned.

Qualifications and Competencies

High School diploma or GED equivalent

Passionate about customer service and must have relevant work experience

Excellent communication skills (interpersonal, written and verbal)

Additional languages desirable

Commitment to continuous improvement

Self motivated and able to work independently

Attentive to detail and numerate

Ability to follow processes and procedures and apply flexible approach when required

Must be able to type and learn airline specific computer reservation/ ticketing software

Willingness to work in inclement weather

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

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