Korean Support Worker 모집 (School District #37)
Options (64.141.87.XXX) / 번호: 29847 / 등록: 2016-05-12 13:24 / 수정: 2016-05-12 14:56 / 조회수: 4152

안녕하세요. 옵션스 입니다.

현재 델타 교육청 (School District #37) 에서 Korean Support Worker 를 모집하고 있습니다.

한국학생들을 주 대상으로 학교와 학부모들간의 의사사통 및 통역 / 번역 등의 업무와 함께 한국학생 유치를 위

한 업무를 주로 하시게 되며 나이 및 성별에 관계없이 지원하실 수 있습니다.

아래 내용을 참고하시고 이에 맞는 본인의 이력서 와 자기소개서 작성 및 수정이 필요하시면 옵션스로 연락 주세


'프로'가 만든 이력서와 자기소개서로 구직에 성공하시도록 최선을 다해 도와 드리겠습니다.

문의: 604-572-4060

제이 김 (ext. 1131) - jay.kim@options.bc.ca / 셰런 김 (ext. 1165) - sharon.kim@options.bc.ca

-= Korean Support Worker =-

Job Description & Requirements


Competition #S-16-090

Location:  International Programs

Hours:  20.00  10 Months Per Year

Term of Employment:  Continuing

Salary:  $25.02 Per Hour

Reports to and works under  the direction of the Director, International Programs. Provides  cross-cultural support, interpretation and translation services  for students, district personnel and parents. Assists with marketing to Korean clients. May  occasionally be required  to  work  in the evening.

Successful  completion of a secondary school  graduation program  or equivalent. Completion of post  secondary courses at an accredited  university or college  such  as in social work, education, inter-cultural relations, international
business and marketing, community support work  or child  development equivalent to  12 months. Proven  fluency  in Korean (written and oral skills)  is required. Minimum of 1 year experience working in an international education environment with a working knowledge of multicultural, diversity, and second  language  learner  issues. Knowledge of the education system  of both  British Columbia and Korea and understanding the problems, concerns, strengths, and traditions of Korean international students and families. Knowledge of  word  processing, email and basic bookkeeping procedures  is required. Good interpersonal, communication and organizational skills.  Ability to use judgement when providing information. Physically capable  of performing the duties  of the position. Ability to  work  cooperatively
with  various  family, community and school  personnel. Ability to work  independently and when  required  to provide supervision to school-aged children on and off  the campus. Knowledge of WCB and WHMIS  regulations. Safe work practices.  Valid B.C. Driver's Licence.  Safe driving record.

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