MOSAIC Internet Safety and Online Awareness
MOSAIC (96.49.232.XXX) / 번호: 30390 / 등록: 2016-07-05 14:59 / 수정: 2016-07-05 14:59 / 조회수: 4110

As we all know, technology is becoming a crucial part of our
lives. Whether it be a computer, tablet, or smartphone, these devices help us
connect to the internet and share information (sometimes personal information)
like never before! Youths are constantly sharing about themselves on social
media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., hence it is even more crucial
that parents are aware of the risks and dangers that lurk behind the screen as


We will be hosting a community forum to engage newcomers in
a conversation about Internet
Safety and Online Awareness
This is a great opportunity for your
clients, especially those with children, to learn about the Internet, Risks
of social media
, and What
parents can do


Please come join us on:


Tuesday July 26th
at 5:00-7:00pm

MOSAIC Vancouver (1720
Grant Street)

Light refreshments will be

(Language support
available in Arabic)


**NOTE: Computer
Free computers are
available for any attendees who are recently landed refugees and in need of a


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