Natural Factors 에서 야간근무 Encapsulation Machine Operator 를 찾습니다
success (70.69.91.XXX) / 번호: 30629 / 등록: 2016-07-25 15:05 / 수정: 2016-07-25 15:05 / 조회수: 4115

안녕하세요. 석세스 트라이시티의 써니 윤입니다.

코퀴틀람에 위치한 Factor's Natural (Natural Factor라는 비타민, 건강보조제 브랜드로 유명하죠?) 에서

야간근무하실 Encapsulation Machine Operator를 찾습니다.
현재 5분을 찾는다고 합니다.


Under the direction of the Supervisor and Lead Hand, the Encapsulation Operator is responsible for all activities related to the encapsulation of the two-piece hard shell capsule product as per Master Ingredient List (MIL) document by adhering to the Work Procedures (WPs), the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) that are in effect to ensure the quality and quantity of product produced.

Required skills and experience:

  • Mechanically inclined for accurate set up of equipment, troubleshooting and machinery maintenance as well as a good working knowledge of equipment operations
  • Able to speak and read English fluently in order to understand the requirements and goals of the department and follow written and verbal instructions accurately
  • Physically capable to lift up to 55 pounds, to stand for extended periods of time as well as bend, crouch and kneel
  • Demonstrate cooperative, positive and willing attitude, communication, and behavior with co-workers and management
  • Take initiative in reaching department goals and meeting production expectations as well as demonstrate values for productivity and quality
  • Organized in work habits
  • Safety conscious
  • Attention to detail and accuracy with numbers
  • Knowledge of Tableting and GMP an asset
  • Able to operate computer and basic programs
  • Completion of High School and post-secondary Pharmaceutical Manufacturing diploma an asset

자세한 내용은 참조하시고

관심있으신분들은  이력서를 careers@naturalfactors.com로 보내실때, 제목난에 “Encapsulation Machine Operator” 라고 명시해 주시기 바랍니다.


써니 윤 Sunny Yun 올림

SUCCESS Tri-Cities Settlement Practitioner: Labour Market Specialist

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