Paladin Security CAREER FAIR - 12월 14일 (수), North Surrey Rec Centre
ISS of BC (184.71.132.XXX) / 번호: 32309 / 등록: 2016-12-09 09:44 / 수정: 2016-12-09 09:44 / 조회수: 4142



**We are excited to announce that Paladin Security is hosting a Career Fair on Wednesday Dec 14th at the North Surrey Recreation Centre only a 2 min walk from the Surrey Central Sky- train station!!**


This Career Fair provides a great opportunity for any interested candidates to come by, meet with our company representatives, find out more about working in a healthcare setting, and apply for a job with us in person. I have listed the information below and have also attached a poster to this email with all information.



When: Wednesday December 14th, 2016 from 10:00am- 4:00pm 

Where: 10275 City Parkway, Surrey, BC, V3T 4C3

Transit Accessible2 minute walk from the Surrey Central sky train station!

Bring: Your resume and 3 professional References


Please apply online prior to attending at

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