자영업을 계획/시작하는 이민자를 위한 필수 워크샵
DIVERSEcity (162.156.141.XXX) / 번호: 32798 / 등록: 2017-01-17 16:19 / 수정: 2017-01-19 11:39 / 조회수: 4131


다이버시티의 아이린입니다. 다이버시티 Self-Employment 프로그램에서는 자영업을 시작하시는 이민자들을 위한  무료 워크샵 시리즈를 주최합니다: 

1. 1월 24일 : Introduction to Self-employment  

      초청강사: Scantone Jones, Director, Self employment and Entrepreneur Development Society

      시간: 6:00 - 10:00 pm

      장소: Room A 206 (1107-7330 137 street, Surrey)

워크샵 내용

- Employed vs. self employed, qualities of an entrepreneur

- Business registration, taxes, licences and insurance

- Basic needs to get started in business in Canada

- The importance of market research

- How to market your business, advertising and social media

- Pitfalls to success

- Are you a technician, manager, entrepreneur?  Why?

2. 1월 31일: Entrepreneur Financial Literacy Workshop: Are you ready to start a business? (Presented from Vancity)

    시간: 1:00- 2:30 pm

    장소: Room A 206 (1107-7330 137 street, Surrey)

문의및 등록: 아이린 고 (604-547-1300; ikoh@dcrs.ca)

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