영주권자을 위한 모자익 쿠킹 수업
MOSAIC (96.49.232.XXX) / 번호: 33907 / 등록: 2017-04-28 11:55 / 수정: 2017-04-28 12:25 / 조회수: 4111

Welcome, New Immigrants!


Our Cook and
Connect:  Food Skills for Newcomers

starts May 12th, Fridays @1-4pm at Brentwood Community Resource Centre,
Burnaby. Food Skills for
Families is a hands-on curriculum based program that makes healthy eating,
shopping and cooking easy, quick and fun.


offers this successful six-session program to teach people
how to make healthy meals, snacks and beverage choices and to gain confidence
in the kitchen.


Program Details:

Priority for Newcomer Permanent Residents

May 12 – June 16, 2017

Fridays, 1:00-4:00 PM

2nd floor Kitchen, MOSAIC-Brentwood
Community Resource Centre

2055 Rosser Ave, Burnaby Centre Kitchen

Complete the 6 week program to get the

We will cook together 8 yummy and healthy


  Just contact Joy or email jjhocson@mosaicbc.org
604 438 8214 ext 211 to register.


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