모자익 무료 Health Care Assistant program
MOSAIC (96.49.232.XXX) / 번호: 34574 / 등록: 2017-07-14 12:47 / 수정: 2017-07-14 12:47 / 조회수: 4111

in the Health Care Assistant (HCA) program at Sprott Shaw College

Coverage of tuition, books and materials

Clinical and Practicum training

Employment Assistance Services, Intercultural Competencies training, Job
Placement and Post Placement support

Childcare and transportation support available for eligible participants


is eligible?

Health Care background from outside Canada

Immigrant or refugee who has been in Canada for 10 years or less

English CLB level 7 in Listening and Speaking, and level 6 in Reading and

Unemployed or Under-employed (work less than 20 hours /week) and not eligible
for Employment Insurance (EI)


Program Covers:

Person-Centered Care and Assistance

Informed Problem Solving

Handling Patients with Complex Health Challenges

Handling Patients with Mental and/or Cognitive Health Challenges

Interaction with other members of Health Care Team

Clear, Accurate and Sensitive Communication with patients

Safe, Competent and Organized Personal Care and Assistance

Self-development, Learning and Health Enhancement Needs

Providing Care in a Reflective, Responsible, Accountable and
Professional/Ethical manner



Classes start August 14th 2017

19 weeks Health Care Assistant (HCA) classes by Sprott Shaw College: August
14th 2017 - Jan 5th 2018

8 weeks Clinical and Practicum Placements arranged by Sprott Shaw College: Jan
8th - Mar 2nd 2018

Job Entry Skills Workshops by MOSAIC: Mar 5th - Mar 16th 2018

Job Placement Services by MOSAIC: Mar 19th - Mar 31st 2018

Post Job Placement Services by MOSAIC: Mar 26th - Mar 31st 2018


 contact Dana at 604-254-0244
ext. 1062 at MOSAIC



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