Samsung Appliance Repair Technician Entry Pathways program at VCC
ISS of BC (184.71.132.XXX) / 번호: 34667 / 등록: 2017-07-25 12:31 / 수정: 2017-07-25 12:31 / 조회수: 4127

After completing a successful training program for experienced technicians in January,

Samsung Tech Institute opens its doors to newcomers to appliance repair with a 14-week full-time

program starting September 5.

“Our goal is to have job-ready grads at the end of the 14 weeks,” said Sid Khullar, program coordinator.

“The appliance repair industry is in need of technicians and with this training, we’re able to fast-track

our students into in-demand jobs.”

Held at Vancouver Community College, the Appliance Repair Technician Entry Pathway program has no

technical prerequisites. With admission requirements of Grade 12 English and Grade 11 Math, the

program is ideal for students of all backgrounds, including those new to Canada.

Entry Pathway students will get hands-on training on major appliances at the Samsung Tech Institute.

The program covers everything from customer service essentials to gas appliance service certification,

with a focus on Samsung products. Program tuition is $6,900.

The Samsung Tech Institute is only one of two in Canada, and the only one of its kind in Western

Canada. As a leading major appliance brand in Canada, Samsung is offering three $1,000 scholarships for

the Entry Pathway program. Scholarship application deadline is August 31.

An info session will be held at 11 a.m. on July 11. Additional info sessions will be held at 6 p.m. on July

26 and 11 a.m. on August 16. All sessions will be held at the Samsung Tech Institute (room 2602) at

VCC’s Broadway Campus, 1135 E. Broadway.

To RSVP for an info session or learn more about the program, visit


Sid Khullar, Program coordinator

P: 604.871.7000, ext. 8670


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