무료 재봉사 교육(8주)
MOSAIC (206.116.25.XXX) / 번호: 34978 / 등록: 2017-08-29 09:28 / 수정: 2017-08-29 09:28 / 조회수: 4122
Free Industrial Sewer training for Recent Immigrants
  • Training: 8 weeks, Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm.  It
    will include a mix of hands on projects that provide
    clients with skills necessary to start careers working as Industrial
    Sewers. This will include job readiness training as well as job
    placement where we will find jobs for clients after completing the program

  • Location: New Westminster, accessible via public
    transportation (just a few bus stops away from 22nd skytrain station
    taking #104 bus)  

  • Eligibility: CLB 4 or above, unemployed and non-EI
    eligible, underemployed or employed but in a low skilled profession,
    the main thing being that they can commit to attending training from 9-4,
    Mon-Fri for 8 weeks and are interested in becoming an industrial sewer

  • Transportation: bus tickets will be provided for clients to
    attend training 

To get starte: sewing@manufacturingbc.org or  604-900-1980 ext 2 to set up a
screening interview and get started.  


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