job opportunity
MOSAIC (206.116.25.XXX) / 번호: 35077 / 등록: 2017-09-08 15:43 / 수정: 2017-09-08 15:43 / 조회수: 4106

Premier Security Inc.,
is seeking  eight (8) security guards  who wish to work in a
slightly remote environment , in North Vancouver Island.

The successful
applicants would be required to live on site and accommodation, food and
travel would be provided
. We would schedule up to eight days on then six
off, working ten to twelve hour shifts. The duration on site could be adjusted.
Personnel would be required to bring uniform and personal clothes, grooming and
other personal items.

The function is to monitor the site, record activities,
deal with any incidents. This is an opportunity to work in a lovely
environment. Very competitive rates up to $40.00 per hour


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