VCC 컬리지 무료 프로그램 - Building Service Worker
Options (64.141.87.XXX) / 번호: 35291 / 등록: 2017-10-02 16:03 / 수정: 2017-10-02 16:10 / 조회수: 4149


VCC 컬리지에서 무료 프로그램을 진행하려고 합니다.  VCC 관계자분에 의하면 이 과정을 마친 분들의 취업률이 좋았다고 합니다 (19불). 지금 현재 직업을 찾고 계신 분들께 좋은 정보가 되리라 생각됩니다. 등록을 원하시는 분들께서는 프로그램 담당자 Lina Sehgal 에게 직접 연락하시기 바랍니다.

자세한 사항은 다음과 같습니다.

Building Service Worker Plus Training Program

On October 12th Vancouver Community College welcomes prospective students to attend an
Information Session from 10:00am-12:00pm to learn more about our Free Building Service Worker Plus Training Program starting on November 27th 2017. (인포세션에 참석하셔야 합니다.)

BSWP is a 12 week full-time Project Based Training
(PBT) program designed to provide skills/certifications through
classroom training and hands on work experience which is needed to
secure employment as building service workers, caretakers,
custodians, housekeepers or general helpers.

Integral to the BSWP program is a 3 week practicum placement
that provides hands-on experience for students while building industry
connections with prospective employers. Many of our practicum students
find employment with their
practicum employers upon graduation from the BSWP program.



- Unemployed and Non EI eligible, no EI claims in the past three years and no maternity/paternity EI claims in the past five year

- Not a student (i.e. enrolled in high school or enrolled in post-secondary training

- Not participating in another government funded labour market program at the time of training

- Experiencint difficulties securing employment due to lack of skills training

November 27, 2017 - February 23, 2018
(Includes 3 weeks of practicum/work experience)

This program takes place at:
Vancouver Community College, Downtown Campus
250 West Pender St. (near Stadium/Chinatown SkyTrain station)

All eligible participants must attend an information session to apply for the program. To register for the upcoming information session, please contact:
Lina Sehgal Tel: 604-871-7000, ext. 8307 e:

궁금한 사항이 있으시면 저에게 연락주시기 바랍니다.


샤론 김 (
직통전화 :604-954-0485

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