15~30세 영주권/시민권자 여성을 위한 유급 무료 취업 프로그램 (관광산업직)
ISS of BC (184.71.132.XXX) / 번호: 35570 / 등록: 2017-11-09 14:26 / 수정: 2017-11-09 14:26 / 조회수: 4137
안녕하세요? ISSofBC의 한인 정착상담인 이사벨입니다.

현재 고등학교나 대학교에 재학중이지 않은 영주권/시민권자 15~30세 여성분들 중 관광산업직종으로 취업을 원하신다면, 6주간 유급 훈련을 받으시고, 3개월간 유급 프랙티컴이 보장되어 있는 Work BC 무료 취업 프로그램에 지금 바로 지원하시기 바랍니다. 

포스터 및 담당자로부터 온 설명을 잘 읽으시고, 프로그램 관련 문의사항이나 신청 자격이 되시면 바로 Back in Motion's Work BC 센터로 직접 연락주시기 바랍니다. 

그밖에 정착에 관해 궁금한 사항들이 있으시면 778-284-7026(Ext.1566)이사벨에게 전화 주세요. 감사합니다.

Back in Motion’s Women@Work Program is now accepting applications for our Dec 18th, 2017 class. Spaces are limited!!
The Women@Work program helps empower young women to gain skills and experience that will better prepare them for successful employment in the tourism industry.
We offer 6 weeks of paid training and coordinate a 3 month work experience opportunity with employers in the tourism industry. Women@Work is a free program funded by the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy.
The 6 weeks of paid training includes:
  • Certifications in Food Safe, First Aid, Serving it Right, and World Host
  • Basic computer skills training
  • Tourism-related skills (e.g. customer service, time management, planning & coordinating, flexibility)
  • Resume development, job search, and interview skills training
  • Teamwork & collaboration training
  • Professionalism training and dealing with difficult customers
  • Employers will present on career opportunities within the tourism industry
  • Women’s health and wellness training
  • Women in leadership training and development
  • Self-defense classes for women
  • Women only learning environment
Who is eligible to join Women@Work?
  • Women between the ages of 15 – 30
  • Interested in working in the tourism industry
  • Not in school (high school or post-secondary)
  • Not receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
  • Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or granted refugee status
  • Legally entitled to work in Canada
  • Committed to completing the 6 weeks of in class training
  • Available and committed to completing a 3 month paid work experience
Women@Work is offered at TWO convenient locations, 333 East Broadway, Vancouver and 405 North Road , Coquitlam.

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