여성 무료 사무보조 교육
MOSAIC (50.67.236.XXX) / 번호: 36096 / 등록: 2018-01-26 11:34 / 수정: 2018-01-26 11:34 / 조회수: 4119


have a great invitation from YWCA for women to qualify for the following

  • Office Support Worker

  • Administrative Assistant

  • Administrative Officer

permanent resident, citizen or confirmed refugee applicant is eligible to

go to the link above for more detailed information about the program.

you feel this is for you and you are ready to go back to school to earn a
FOR FREE, you can

say you are interested and ask how you can get admission into the program.

You are eligible to participate in Admin Essentials if you are: 

  • Unemployed, and able to participate in a
    full-time program and training

  • Currently not receiving EI/have not received
    EI in the last three years

  • A Canadian citizen, permanent resident or
    confirmed refugee status

  • Legally entitled to work in Canada

  • Living in the Lower Mainland/Southwest BC

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