45세 이상을 위한 무료 직업교욱
MOSAIC (50.67.236.XXX) / 번호: 36097 / 등록: 2018-01-26 11:40 / 수정: 2018-01-26 11:40 / 조회수: 4108

Workplace Integration for Mature Individuals – WIMI 45+

# 205 – 12725, 80th Avenue, Surrey, B.C., V3W 3A6

Tel: 604-596 7722; Fax: 604-596 7721

E-mail: kcchau@pics.bc.ca;

Program Overview

The P.I.C.S. Workplace Integration for Mature Individuals – WIMI 45+ is a Canada – BC Job

Fund initiative, under the Employment services and Supports (ESS) program, providing

support to unemployed individuals at or over the age of 45, non – EI British Columbians who

are PRs or citizens – eligible to work in Canada and are not attending school.

The primary objective is to prepare participants who are most likely to benefit from long term

job search help, strengthen employability skills, guidance & advice from Mentor of same

profession and follow up support services for new and immediate employment.

Workplace Integration for Mature Individuals (WIMI 45+) is a 12-week program with 4 weeks of

group-based activities & 8 weeks one to one job assistance plus up to 9 months follow-up

support. This program partners with local community and business employers to generate job

placements for participants.

Eligibility Criterion

 Any Individual at 45 years old or above

 Unemployed or underemployed less than 20 hours per week

 Non – EI recipient (or not on EI in the past three years) and out of School

 Legally entitled to work in Canada

 Job ready, committed and dedicated to finding a Job

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