밴시티 인턴 구인
Options (64.141.87.XXX) / 번호: 36390 / 등록: 2018-03-08 15:35 / 수정: 2018-03-08 15:41 / 조회수: 4148

안녕하세요. 옵션스 제이 김 입니다.

지난 45년간 지역에 서비스를 제공해오고 있는 밴쿠버 대표 비영리단체 옵션스로 밴시티에서 풀타임 인턴 구인요청이 왔습니다. 

무료 봉사활동이 아닌 급여가 지급되므로 지역사회에 봉사활동을 하며 급여도 받을 수 있습니다.

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영주권자시민권자 및 워크퍼밋을 가진 유학생등 나이에 상관없이 누구나 참여할 수 있는 이번 기회에 꼭 도전해 보시기 바랍니다.

지원: 아래 내용을 읽어 보시고 https://www.vancity.com/AboutVancity/Careers/ 에서 직접 지원 하시면 됩니다.

제출에 필요한 이력서와 커버레터 작성 및 구직상담도 도와 드립니다.

Job Details
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2018 Community Leader Internship
Employee Type
Employee Schedule
Job Category
Business Transformation
2018 Community Leader Internship
Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your employable skills and knowledge through an internship with Canada’s largest values-based financial cooperative?
The Vancity Commuity Leader Internship is intended to provide meaningful work experience in a professional environment, supported by a mentor and peer internship group. 
The Opportunity
We are looking for interns who are ready to bring their A-game!
You are eager to show what you are capable of and excited to learn about Values-Based Banking and Cooperatives. You will be play an integral role as part of a professional team and also have the ability to work independently on projects as assigned.  
You will be challenged to think creatively and innovatively to complete meaningful work that contributes to Vancity’s vision of Redefining Wealth. You will embrace the opportunity to learn from your mentor, apply learnings and be open to receiving and applying feedback from your mentor and peers.
The Work
Intern assignments will occur in various areas within Vancity (e.g. Finance, IT, Human Resources, Marketing, etc.) and will be in support of immediate objectives of the organization. Interns will be assigned a piece of work or project and matched with a mentor. Each project will require the delivery of work or a project submission at the end of the 17 weeks.
In addition to specific project work, you may also take on additional tasks, as needed, to assist the team in achieving their goals. Upon the conclusion of the internship, you may be asked to present any findings to a group of Vancity employees.
Mandate Statement:
Complete challenging and meaningful work experience that contributes to Vancity's vision of Redefining Wealth.
Key areas of accountability for this role are:
  • Be challenged to think creatively and innovatively on a regular basis.
  • Work independently and as part of a collaborative group.
  • Play an integral role as part of a functioning professional team.
  • Interact closely with a mentor to provide guidance and feedback.
  • Participate in personal- and career-development opportunities.
The successful candidate would be accountable for:
  • Work effectively and with full commitment on the tasks assigned by your manager.
  • Give your manager your best advice.
  • Stay within policy.
  • Manage your ongoing career development at Vancity.
Vancity is a Living Wage Employer.
  • You have a demonstrated need for professional work experience to progress in your career.
  • You have a minimum 1 year of work experience or education related to your field of interest.
  • Volunteer experience is considered an asset.
  • You are available to work onsite full time, between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday for the full duration of the internship (May 7th – September 1st).
  • Problem Solving
  • Verbal Communication
  • Written Communicaton
  • Teamwork
  • Time Management Skills
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