Canadian Citizenship Test Preparation Classes
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (209.121.7.XXX) / 번호: 38217 / 등록: 2018-12-18 16:05 / 수정: 2018-12-18 16:56 / 조회수: 4138

Canadian Citizenship Preparation

 Offered in English


·      Information
on how to apply and new changes/rules

·      Learn
about the election process and systems of government 

·      Obtain
resources for preparing for the citizenship test


When:     Monday, Feb 4 and 11, 2019 @12:00-2:00

(2 sessions)

Where:    South Vancouver Neighbourhood House

                6470 Victoria Drive (@49th),


further details or registration, pls. contact Kwangyoung

 @604-324-6212/Ext 117 or


Light refreshment, free child minding,
and bus tickets available

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