온라인 취업박람회 안내
Options (207.35.73.XXX) / 번호: 38954 / 등록: 2019-03-26 15:23 / 수정: 2019-03-26 15:23 / 조회수: 4244

The 6th In-TAC Virtual Career Expo (Online job fair)
The 6th In-TAC Virtual Career Expo (6th VCE) will be held on April 16 & 17 2019. This is a free and national wide online job fair. Over 50 Canadian employers will offer more than 1500 positions in various industries across Canada.
Here is the list of some employers:
  • Amazon
  • IBM
  • Huawei Technologies
  • T&T
  • CIBC
  • Scotiabank
  • TD Bank
  • Shoptify
  • Syntronic
  • italkBB
  • Desjardins
  • Bdc
  • TechInsights
  • McCain
  • Cert Logistics
  • Sanmina
  • Infinera
  • Canadian Red Cross
  • PCM Canada
  • London Economic Development Corporation
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University
  • ZINation
  • Canada Post
  • Lixar
  • Cyphercor
  • Redcanari Information Security
  • ElastaLink
  • Kelly Services
  • MindBridge
  • Rogers
  • Canadian Western Bank
  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • Canadian Commercial Corporation
  • Calgary Economic Development
  • CEDC
  • Winnipeg Economic Development
  • Aecon
  • Hamilton Economic Development
Job seekers (PRs, citizens, refugees, international students) will have chances to communicate directly with hiring managers of the companies by using the chat function after accessing to the virtual exhibition. Registration has been opened to the general public. Please share details and the poster to job seekers who are legal to work in Canada. 
To register: please visit www.in-tac-expo.com
No Cost!

The list of exhibitors is now available on the website. Job openings will be posted on and after April 1 2019.  Exhibition will be open for job seekers to login anytime during 6 am (BC time) on April 16 to 6 am on April 17 2019. Schedule of chatting time with local employers will be announced on the website shortly.

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