Career Exploration Talk: Path to Engineering
success (70.68.171.XXX) / 이메일: isipyen@success.bc.c.a / 번호: 46638 / 등록: 2022-10-05 09:47 / 수정: 2022-10-05 09:56 / 조회수: 4140

SUCCESS Youth Employment Network program has another Career Exploration webinar coming up to let high school students and newcomers know what studying and working in the engineering field here in BC is about. 

Career Exploration Talk: Path to Engineering

Date: Oct 11, 2022 (Tue)

Time: 4:00-5:30pm

Venue: Zoom

SPEAKER: Romina Shojaee  (Project Manager - Anthem Properties Group Ltd.)

In this webinar, you will get to know about:

•             Overview of BC Engineering Field

•             Exploring Engineering Categories

•             Qualifications & Requirements

•             What Qualities do Employers Look for

•             Tips for Youths to Enter Engineering Field

Please share with any of your family members or friends who are ages 15 – 30 and are permanent residents, convention refugees, protected persons or live-in caregivers!

Register now and don’t wait, please click



Phone: 236-880-1712 Elsie Li/ 236-880-1141 Beatrice Yip

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