다이버시티 정부 펀딩 직업교육 프로그램 - Business Administration Diploma Program
DIVERSEcity (24.109.190.XXX) / 이메일: ikoh@dcrs.ca / 번호: 46832 / 등록: 2022-11-15 10:01 / 수정: 2022-11-15 10:05 / 조회수: 4211

정부지원 비영리 기관 다이버시티가 Canadian College of Technology and Business (CCTB)와 협력하여 30주동안 제공하는 무료 직업 교육입니다. 아래 정보 확인하시고 관심있으시면 아이린에게 (ikoh@dcrs.ca; 604-547-1300) 문의하세요.  


- Identify and understand the techniques and theories of successful businesses, including how to manage finance, fundamental principles of marketing and how to create effective business strategies.

- Understand the relationships between businesses and different local, national and global environments.

- Learn to apply cognitive and problem-solving skills to improve communication skills and operate effectively individually and as part of an executive team.

수업 일시:

Program starts December 5, 2022. Only 24 seats available.

• Sessions run from Monday to Thursday, 4–9 pm (20 hours per week)

• 24 weeks of online training; six weeks of work experience


• Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons entitled to work in Canada; must have a social insurance number (SIN)

• Unemployed or precariously employed (i.e., part time, seasonal, casual)

• Not currently enrolled in any other funded training program

• Technical skills testing and proof of English proficiency (i.e., English 12 or two years of post-secondary in Canada) will be required

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